As Marian had promised me, from the day I fuck with him, my life had changed enormously. Not only had I become a big star, but I had started to learn what a relationship means, and what it means to love a man. Although there were more and more girls who wanted me to pay attention to them, I seemed to have forgotten about their existence. For me, there is only him, Marian, the first man in my life, the man who taught me to love and fuck.
We had been together for 3 years and because he took care of my career, he had bought me a house where we had practically moved in together. My life was so beautiful, during the day I had shows I went to, in the evening concerts where I felt like a special person, and at night I spent it and fuck with the one I loved. What more could I wish for?
Maybe I had only one dream, namely to become the best singer in our country and enter the industry outside. But, of course, this dream also involves Marian. He was the agent, the bodyguard, the one who always watched over me and my career. And I rewarded him for this with a lot of trusts and I was very loyal to him.
One day, I was in the yard sunbathing by the pool in the sun when I heard Marian, who had just arrived home:
– Karmin, I gave the shot. I have some extraordinary news to give you.
– What happened, I asked, obviously impatient to find out what the big news was.
– You were nominated for the RMA awards, in the Best Song of the Year category and in the Best Male Voice of the Year category.
– Are you serious? It’s great. I am the happiest man on earth and I love you because I got here thanks to you.
– More than that, you are invited to sing a song in concert and I think you have a good chance of winning at least in one of the categories.
– What should I sing, the song that was nominated in the Best Song of the Year category?
– Yes, or I have an even better idea, you could release a new hit in this big concert. It will be an appearance that no one will forget and you will show that you are truly the best. So you should compose a new song and in two months when the RMA awards will be held, let’s break the fair’s mouth.
– Ok my love, that’s what I’ll do, I said.

I had started thinking from that moment about how the new song should be. Unfortunately, I was so emotional that it seems we don’t have even a hint of inspiration. The days passed and Marian asked me to sing her new song to see if she likes it and to prepare a tailored show for that concert. Unfortunately, I had nothing to sing to him because I had no inspiration at all and it was as if Marian had started to move away from me.
He had started going to different parties without me, under the pretext that I would be too tired if I went to all of them and I had to take care of myself and my voice, he had started to be distant, I didn’t even fuck often until then. I was convinced that I was to blame because without the inspiration I had upset him and I thought that after that concert everything would return to normal. Unfortunately, I had no way of knowing that my life was going to change again.
One Saturday, exactly three weeks before that big concert, I left home around 6:00 p.m. because I had to play in 4 places that evening. Marian was not feeling well and stayed at home. He had told me to be very careful how I sing and how I dance with my dancers the song that was nominated in the Best Song of the Year category because I had decided that if I lacked inspiration, I would sing that song for another 3 weeks.
Anyway, my audience loved that song and it was good that I was going to sing it at RMA.
I left home, I sang in 3 locations and at the last place where I was going to sing I had no way because my pants had torn and I had to run home to change. I talked to the organizers and I delayed my entrance a little, by about an hour, especially since the band that was going to play after me had already arrived, so I had time to run and change.
What the fuck?!
I asked one of my dancers to take me home and I was delighted that the location I was in was only 15 minutes away by car from home. I arrived home quickly and while my dancer was waiting for me in the car in front of the house, I went in to quickly get something to change into. When I entered, a strange noise could be heard from the bedroom. I was getting closer and I couldn’t believe that what I was hearing were the moans of a man, who was definitely not Marian.
The door to the bedroom was open and when I saw Marian and a boy fuck in the ass I thought I was dying.
– Ahhh, Marian, does Karmin have an ass as big as mine? Do you like to fuck her as much as you like to fuck me?

– Karmin for me at this moment is nothing more than a profitable business. Yes, she is very good at fuck and he takes my dick the way I want and when I want. But lately what was between us has passed and now I like you.
Saying this, Marian took her dick out of that boy’s ass and put it deep in his mouth. He fucked him in his mouth as if that mouth was what his dick loved. He was stroking his hair and holding his cock deep in his throat and it seemed to feel so good. Every time Marian stuck her dick in that boy’s mouth, I felt like she was sticking a spear directly in my heart.
At one point, Marian started to scream and the boy who was eating my man’s cock and fuck started foaming at the mouth, a sign that Marian finished happily in his mouth. I wanted to take something and hit that boy and Marian on the head, but I went to the room where I had the stage costumes, took one, and left.
Arriving at the last song of that evening, I quickly changed and went out on stage to delight the audience. Although my heart was crying with sadness, I knew on my face that nothing should be seen. I sang everything was fine and after the concert I went with my dancers to a club, not feeling the need to see Marian after I found out that he was cheating on me and fuck a boy. On the way to the club, I called Marian and asked him:
– Honey, can I go for a beer with the boys and I’ll be back in an hour or two?
– Yes, anyway I feel so bad that I can’t even get out of bed. I’m lucky that you left everything I needed on the bedside table. I’m waiting for you if I don’t fall asleep until you come back.
– Ok, I can’t wait to see you. Kisses, bye!
– Bye!
I wanted to tell him that he is a traitor and a liar, that he will be happy that he still has time to fuck that boy, that wretched whore who stole my husband.
I stayed at the club for a while and went home. That boy was no longer with us and Marian was already sleeping. I gave him little panties to one side and I was looking at his dick which had a redhead and you could see that it had been worked on, not long ago. I took his cock in my mouth and started to suck it gently. I was sucking her and I thought it would be the last time I would fuck Marian. Honestly, I wasn’t willing to share it with anyone.

His cock rose and he started to thrust into my mouth, waking up:
– Did you come home hungry?
– Yes, I missed you, I missed your cock, Marian. Why, do you mind me sucking it? You don’t want to fuck?
– How can you bother me, anyway you know that I haven’t fuck for a few days, and my clits are full, so I want you to empty everything so that no trace of sap remains in them.
– That’s what I’m going to do…and I started sucking his dick with such passion, as I had never felt before.
I was sucking that thick dick, licking it, sucking and licking her cocks. I licked and fuck his brown rosette because I knew he loved to lick his ass. He spoke to me beautifully and fucked me in my mouth as if nothing had happened. And I was sucking him with desperation, as if with the desire for him to feel that I suck much better than that bitch who had come into our bed earlier.
He held it for a long time, I think I tongued and sucked his dick for about an hour. He fuck in my mouth so many times. My cheeks hurt from playing with his cock, and in the end, it seemed to explode in my throat. He had never ejaculated so much and I had never seen him so happy. I had tears in my eyes, and he thought I was as pleased as he was…but I actually knew I was sucking that dick for the last time. He will never fuck me!
After that incident, from that Saturday I started to compose a very sad song. Considering how I felt, it wasn’t difficult at all to compose a song that even today, when I listen to it, I tremble and feel that the world around me is collapsing on top of me.
I finished the song before the RMA awards and I decided by myself that I would sing that one. I talked to my dancers and told them that I want to sing that song, but I don’t want Marian to know. I told him a week before that I wanted to go and talk to the organizers of the concert, that any way we had to determine when the rehearsals were going to be. He was happy that I wanted to go because anyway he was spending less and less time with me, and I suspected more and more with that boy.
On the day of the concert, I was scheduled to sing the very last one and I was happy that I felt the most important. Before I could sing, I found out that I had won both awards for which I had been nominated. I was happy, but that joy was overshadowed by the sadness and disappointment that filled my soul.
When the moment came when I had to sing, all the lights went out on the stage and only a reflector illuminated the cage where I was. My dancers that evening did not have to do anything but represent some statues on stage. The negative began to be heard and I began to sing about my love. The song we were singing was called Empty Soul, and that’s exactly how I felt. It was as if I had lost all my happiness 3 weeks ago as if I didn’t even know if I had any reason to go on. While I was singing, I imagined how my love had been for Marian.
Every line in my song represented a feeling of mine, every note I sang made me go into a state of numbness. I could no longer feel anything, I could no longer see anything around me. I only know that towards the end of the song there were roars of applause, but with the last effort, I sang the last two verses of my song.
After that, everything broke, I felt like I fell head first on the bars of the cage from which I was singing. That was the last moment I felt anything on that stage…I found out later that those in the hall thought that everything was so well directed and that I played my part so well, and my dancers seeing – I passed out there in that cage, they thought I died.
Marian who was a few meters from the stage backstage seeing what I sang and how I sang started to cry and I think that only then did he realize how much I loved him and how much he hurt me because he fuck someone else.
I don’t know if you liked this part of the story The Artist, and even if it only contains a touch of eroticism and more drama… I wanted to tell more about feelings than fuck. I think it’s great to fuck, but if you also have feelings for the person you’re fuck with, then everything turns into something sublime.