My little playmate and a cock

I had fantasized about this cock for ages and now I decided the time was right.

I had bought a house in Hereford, a few miles outside a small village and half a mile from the nearest neighbor. I spent a month preparing for my playmate. I made the cellar secure with a reinforced door and strong locks and furnished it with a double bed which I chose for a sturdy metal frame suitable for attaching restraints and a padded table with stirrups and leather bindings for legs and hands.

I had installed new lighting that would have done an operating theater proud and bought some good quality photographic equipment. I had also mounted several torture devices on the wall in full view of the table.

I had chosen my victim after visiting Hereford two months after I first moved to the area. I had seen a young girl sitting alone at a bus stop on one of the rural bus routes connecting the outlying villages to the main city. He was wearing his school uniform, obviously waiting for the school bus to arrive.

She was a small blonde with long hair; she was about thirteen or fourteen years old and had a pretty face and a pretty figure. Her school uniform consisted of a white blouse with a green sweater, a green jacket, a green skirt worn with the hem just above the knee, white knee-high socks, and black low-heeled shoes.


Welcome to my… cock

She was a delightful creature and my thighs ached to think of what I wanted to do to her. As I was now living alone, without attachments, I decided there and then that instead of simply imagining what I wanted to do to her, I would do it.

I was most nervous about the abduction itself, however, I had spotted the bus stop several times from a hidden location on a hill overlooking the road and knew that she was always alone waiting for the 08:20 am school bus and that the bus arrived at 08:30 or maybe a few minutes later, never earlier. The road was rarely used, and other traffic was practically non-existent. I decided I would just kidnap her from the bus station.

I bought a reliable used car and kept it parked in the garage until I needed it. I didn’t want to use my regular car in case something went wrong. I chose a Monday as the day I would take it. The start of a new week seemed appropriate and I prepared everything on Sunday.

On the day of the kidnapping, I was very nervous and drove carefully because I didn’t want to draw attention to myself. Once we reached the country road that passed the village where the girl was waiting at the bus stop, we saw no other traffic. I drove to the bus stop where she was sitting, leaned over and opened the passenger side door, and spoke to her.

“Hi love, I wonder if you could help me, I’m a little lost. I’m trying to find Willow Tree Farm, I said in my friendliest voice.

“I’m sorry I never heard,” she said with a frown.

“It’s here on the map but I can’t get my bearings, if I show you where it is on the map, could you show me where we are now”?

“I’ll try,” she said, “but I’m not very good with maps.”

I had the map lying on the passenger seat facing her, and she came over and crouched down to look at the map. I had already unbuckled my seat belt to give me more freedom of movement, and as soon as she leaned into the car to study the map, I grabbed her by the hair with both hands and suddenly pulled her as hard as I could into the car, I grabbed her hair with one hand and with the other I took a large scary looking knife from where I had hidden it under the chair and held it up in front of her face.

“Don’t you bloody move or I’ll cut your face off, got it?”

She didn’t answer, but just stared wide-eyed at the knife in front of her and whimpered quietly.

“I asked you a damn question, bitch, do you understand?”

“Yes, yes, please don’t hurt me, please don’t hurt me.”

“Do as you’re told and you’ll be fine, but give me any trouble and I’ll kill you and throw you in a ditch, got it.”

“Yes, please don’t hurt me; I won’t give you any trouble.”

“Right then, come in and crouch in the footwell”

She came in and did as I said without any argument; she was curled up tight, her upper body leaning against the passenger seat. I was still holding onto her hair with one hand.

“Put your hands behind your back now,” I growled.

She obeyed immediately and I leaned forward taking a pair of handcuffs from my coat pocket and attaching them to her wrists. He started crying and tears were rolling down his cheeks. I reached down and grabbed her chin, forcing her to look up at me.

“Now stay as low as you can until I tell you to stand up. If you wake up without saying that I will cut the hell of your throat, do you understand?

I showed him the knife again as a reminder of what would happen if he didn’t listen.

“Yes sir,” she said, “I won’t do anything please don’t hurt me”.

“Stay exactly where you are and you’ll be fine,” I said.

I quickly got out of the car and went to the bus stop and got her bag. I didn’t want to leave it there to pique anyone’s curiosity.

I closed the passenger door and got back into the car. I turned and tossed the bag neatly onto her back leg and left as I didn’t want to stay at the scene of the kidnapping any longer than I had to.

The whole thing had taken no more than two minutes, which was as good as I could have hoped for. After driving a few miles I stopped and said

“Where’s your cell phone” knowing that, like most young girls, she would have one.

“It’s in my bag,” she replied.

I took her bag and rummaged through it until I found her phone; I took the battery out of it, then rolled down the car window and threw the phone, and stormed into the water-filled ditch on the side of the road. I didn’t want to risk the possibility of the police tracking her on her phone. You never know what they can do these days.

Then I lent myself to the back seat of the car and grabbed a pillowcase and blanket that I had brought. I told the girl to lift her head and then pulled the pillowcase over her head before pushing her head back into the front seat. Then I covered the girl’s upper body with the blanket, draping it over her. Anyone peeking into the front seat would only see the blanket and have no idea what’s under it.

Then I took off again and made a round trip to my house, driving carefully and obeying the speed limits. The drive took me just over an hour. Upon arriving at my house, I got out of the car and opened the garage door, then drove the car into the garage and closed the garage door with my new playmate and the car inside. I breathed a sigh of relief. I had done it without incident.

Now the fun could begin.

I unlocked the door that connected the garage to the inside of the house and then went to the front passenger door and opened it.

I removed the blanket from the girl and said:

“get out of the car”

She got out as best she could with her hands cuffed behind her back; her movements were awkward and it looked like her muscles were a little stiff after being well curled up in her leg for an hour.

Once she was out I guided her forward and said “Keep going”

“Where are you taking me,” she said.

“You’ll see soon enough, do as you’re told or you’ll be sorry”

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With that, I took her firmly by the arm and led her into the house. I took her to the cellar door that I had left unlocked and said “There are some stairs now so be careful, take them slowly and one at a time.

She lowered herself carefully and soon we were at the bottom. I took her to the door at the bottom of the stairs, turned on the light and closed it, and locked the door behind us.

She was all mine now.

I pulled the pillowcase off her head and said “Here’s our puppy; you will stay here for a while”.

“Where am I,” she said “Why did you bring me here”?

“It doesn’t matter where you’re crazy, you’re where I want you to be and that’s good enough. If you want to know why I went to all the trouble to bring you here, I’ll tell you. You’re here to entertain me, it’s that simple.”

“What do you mean,” she said, her voice beginning to crack.

“What I mean, you worthless whore, is that I’m going to use you for my pleasure. You will be my little pig. I’m going to shoot you little one, I’m going to put my stinking cock in your sweet mouth and rape your sweet ass. I’ll do it as often as I want, as hard and as rough as I want, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me.

And you better do your best to see that I enjoy shooting you because if I get tired of it, I might decide to fuck you and get mean. I might decide to tie you up and torture your sweet little body, just to see how long I can keep you alive while you’re in agony. What do you think of that bitch”?

He fell to his knees weeping with an expression of horror on his face; he started begging me to let him go

“Please, please, don’t do this to me, please, please don’t. Please let me. I just want to go home, I want my mother. Please don’t hurt me, I’m only thirteen years old, I don’t understand why you want to hurt me”.

I grabbed her head and forced her to look at me,

“Listen to me and shut the hell up. The only way you’ll ever see your mother again is if you please me. That means being a good girl and doing whatever I tell you to do. Then I might decide to let you go, but this is your only chance. If you piss me off, you’ll be tied up and screaming in agony while I hurt you as hard as I can, for as long as I can. Now get off your knees and stop all this noise or else”.

She slowly and awkwardly rose to her feet and tried her best not to cry, but she was shaking with fear that I loved. I took the key to the cuffs out of my pocket and walked over to her and unlocked them. She seemed very nervous and I could see that she was afraid of me standing so close to her. I decided to have a little fun right now. I turned on the bright lights I had set up to give the cameras enough light, then went and got the cameras rolling. Several were set up to photograph the room from various angles.

I went back to her.

“Get your jacket and sweater,” I said, “quick now or I’ll do it for you and you’ll wish you’d listened to me.”

He slowly took off his jacket and looked around, not knowing where to put it,

“Throw it on the floor for now,” I said.

He dropped it and then pulled his sweater over his head and dropped it on the floor on top of his jacket. She folded her arms in front of her and stood there shaking, looking scared.

I came closer and stood in front of her. I reached down and forced her arms down and started unbuttoning her blouse. She started to cry quietly but didn’t try to stop me.

“Have you ever let a boyfriend see or touch your breasts?”

“No,” she cries. “I’ve never had a boyfriend. My mother says I’m too young.”

I undid the last button and pulled the bottom of her blouse out of the top of her skirt. I then slowly slid the sleeves up her arms before dropping the blouse to the floor.

She was wearing a lovely lace bra, so feminine and cute.

I stood in front of her and said “Put it down” in a stern voice.

I could see the turmoil on her face, she didn’t want to obey but she was afraid of what I would do if she didn’t.

He slowly reached behind his back and undid the clasp. She slid the straps up her arms and let her bra fall to the floor. She didn’t try to cover herself; she just looked down at the floor and cried quietly.

For a while, I sat and stared at her perfect breasts. They were small, not nearly grown, but still perfect. I reached out with both hands and caressed them, squeezing them gently, feeling how soft the skin was, how firm the flesh was. I was in heaven; I rolled her nipples between my fingers and thumbs and felt them harden.

They seemed almost too large for the small breasts they crowned. I leaned forward and took one of the nipples into my mouth, sucking it gently, playing with it, and running my tongue over the soft, tasty lump. I continued to caress one breast while furiously sucking the other nipple. I opened my mouth wide and took as much of her breast as I could into my mouth, drool dripping down my chin as I sucked noisily.

I raised my eyes looking up before her; he had his head turned to the side looking at the wall as if he wanted to separate himself from what was happening. Involved but not participating. Her look was one of disgust and revulsion, she hated what was being done to her and this realization made my cock as hard as iron. I wanted her to be outraged. I wanted her to hate what I was doing to her, but have to endure it because she had no choice.

I decided to try to upset her even more. I let go of her nipple and stood up.

He turned his head towards me, but could not meet my eyes; he looked down at the floor.

“Take off your panties,” I said in my most menacing voice.

Then she looked at me and started crying again, “please no” she said “please no” she was crying with real emotion, shaking with every breath, terrified of what I was about to do.

“Either you take them off or I’ll go work your breasts with a pair of pliers, your choice,” I growled.

I could have easily overfed her and ripped her panties off myself, but I wanted her to submit to her humiliation, to participate in her abuse.

She slowly reached down and put her hands under her skirt, being careful not to raise her skirt high enough for me to see, modestly trying to keep her pussy covered.

I was amused and smiled at her absurdity.

She slipped her panties over her bottom, over her thighs, and let them fall from her knees to the floor.

“Give them to me,” I said.

He removed his panties, then reached down, picked them up, and gave them to me. They were white and soft with little pink hearts on them. I held them to my face, buried my nose in them, and took a deep breath. He looked at me with a mixture of embarrassment and disgust.

“What’s up bitch” I said “There’s nothing like the smell and taste of little girl’s pussy.”

Then, deliberately, exaggeratedly, I opened the panties and licked the gasket. She looked at me in total disgust so I took my panties in my mouth and sucked them loudly.

“How could you,” she said, “it’s so unpleasant.”

“Well you’re not going to like what I’m going to do next then bitch”

I took her arm and pulled her to the bed, placing her on the edge,

“Lie on your back and don’t move the damn thing until I tell you to” I yelled “If you do I’m going to hurt you bad”

“Please don’t do anything to hurt me, sir, please don’t”

“Just sit back and do as you’re told,” I said menacingly.

She lay back but looked at me nervously.

“Do as you’re told and everything will be fine. Let me do what I want and you’ll get over it, give me any trouble and you won’t”.

I took a pillow off the bed and put it on the floor then knelt on it in front of her, she was lying on her back but her head was up looking down at me to see what I was going to do.

I grabbed the hem of her skirt and pushed it up around her waist, then grabbed her legs and pulled her so her bottom was right on the edge of the bed and her pussy was close and accessible.

She held her thighs together as tightly as she could and covered herself with her hands, obviously embarrassed that I saw her pubic mound.

“Listen now and do as I say. Be a good girl and I won’t hurt you. Disobey me and I will cut you. Don’t mess with me now. I want you to put your hands on your head and hold them there. If not, I’ll handcuff you again. Then I want you to put your feet up on the edge of the bed and spread your legs so I can get a good look at your pussy, I got it.”

“She didn’t answer, she just started crying loudly, but she took her hands and put them on her head as I told her, then she put her feet up on the edge of the bed and slowly spread her legs”.

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“Good girl just keeps doing what I tell you and you’ll be fine. Now just spread your legs a little further and you’ll be perfect”

She reluctantly did as I asked and for the first time I could see the perfect feature of this beautiful little girl. Her mound was the most beautiful shape, with a fine tuft of golden hair. I leaned forward for a closer look and she kept lifting her head to try and see what I was going to do to her.

I looked into her eyes and slowly and gently ran my tongue along the length of her slit.

I repeated this several times before reaching out and spreading her folds, revealing her most intimate parts to my gaze. I put my nose as close as I could to her pussy and inhaled her feminine scent deeply.

“You have a cute little girl,” I said “Actually that’s your name from now on Cunt”

She was still looking at me and I smiled at her look of embarrassment and humiliation, she turned her face away and looked at the wall.

“It’s time for breakfast,” I said. Then I opened wide and took as much of her as I could into my mouth, sucking her clit and clit, sticking my tongue as far as I could into her hole, slurping and sucking hard, lost in the pure pleasure of the taste. , the smell, the texture, pure little girl pussy heaven.

I was lost in the moment, I didn’t pay attention to her reaction, I just focused on my pleasure, continuing to explore her with my lips, tongue, and even teeth, nibbling her gently, wanting to own every part of her. As I continued my onslaught, her pussy got wetter and wetter, not because she liked what I was doing to her, but simply because it was her body’s natural response.

I buried my face as far as I could in her cradle and still managed to breathe, my face was covered in her juices and I hungrily licked them. I held onto her bottom to help pull her as firmly as I could onto my face. My cock was as hard as I had ever known it and it was pushing against my clothes, desperate for release.

I lost track of time, but eventually, I stopped and removed my head from her softened and sloppy curve, flooded with her juices and my saliva, glistening with the mixture of secretions covering it. I leaned forward and gave her one last kiss, inserting my tongue as far as I could.

I stood up and looked down at her; she turned her head and looked at me, her eyes red from her now stopped crying. Her look was one of uncertainty; she wasn’t sure what I was going to do now, but she was afraid I was going to screw her. She pushed her skirt down to cover herself and dropped her legs off the edge of the bed as she closed her legs.

Did you enjoy this as much as I did, Cunt, I asked.

“It was disgusting. How could you do it,” she said.

“Don’t knock it until you try it, you might like it, who knows”

“I could never do that, I just couldn’t”

“You might like the taste too, let’s see,” I said as I climbed onto the bed and lay on top of her.

I grabbed her wrists and held them both in one hand above her head; I grabbed her chin with my other hand and held her so that her face was under mine. My face was glistening with her juices and my breath smelled of the overpowering scent of honeysuckle.

I forced my lips to hers and probed them with my tongue, she tried desperately to keep her lips together but she was no match for me. I forced my tongue into her mouth and plundered her second cavity, wet and warm, exploring every square inch of her, tongue, gums, teeth, and cheeks. His eyes were closed as he tried his best to turn his head away from my attack to no avail. I took my time until I finally withdrew my tongue from her mouth.

Then I held her head with both my hands and bent over her and started licking her face from jawline to forehead, I licked every part of her face and deliberately explored every crevice. I licked the outside of her lips, and her eyelids, I even stuck the tip of my tongue as far as I could into her nostrils and took her ears in my mouth and sucked them.

When I was done I whispered in her ear, “Even your face smells like peach now, it’s the best perfume you’ve ever worn. If you could bottle it, you’d make a fortune”

I laughed out loud at her disgusted expression.

“Now you know what your pussy tastes like, what do you think, could you develop a taste for pussy, or do you think you’d prefer the taste of cock”

She didn’t answer me.

“Now is the time to find out Cunt, Pussy, or Cock”

I rolled off her and grabbed her hair “Get up” I yelled.

I pulled her to her feet and dragged her to the end of the bed. I had one hand tightly entwined in her hair and she had both hands holding onto mine, trying to keep her hair from being pulled from the roots.

I forced her to her knees at the end of the bed and sat on the bed facing her.

“Now is the time to decide if you’re going to make me hurt you or if you’re going to be a good girl and do what I want. It’s your choice Cunt, you either do what I say, whatever that is. Or they tie you to that table over there and start cutting. What will it be, your choice”.

She looked at the table with its straps and stirrups, then her gaze lingered on the tools and instruments of torture hanging on the wall above her.

“Please,” she said, “I’ll do anything you want, just please don’t hurt me, please, I don’t want to die”

“Then you have to do whatever I ask you to do, be a good girl and I won’t have to hurt you”

I leaned forward and gently caressed her nice breasts. She flinched but did not attempt to pull away.

I stood up suddenly and said “Be careful. I want you to untie my shoes and take them off, then untie my belt, unbutton my pants, and unzip my pants. Once you’ve done that, you can take my pants off and take them off.


“Yes,” she said softly.

“Then go on, go on.

She sat on her thighs and bent down before untying my shoelaces, I sat on the edge of the bed to allow her to pull them off my feet. She placed the shoes on the floor behind her.

I stood back up and she got up on her knees and reached out with both hands and fumbled with my belt buckle. He managed to free the buckle and gradually pulled the belt through the loops of my pants.

She put the belt next to my shoes. I pulled my stomach in to make it easier for him to unbutton his pants. As she grabbed the zipper and began to pull it down, I felt her small hand push against the bulge of my swollen cock, which was easily visible pushing the fabric of my pants. She noticed too and tried her best not to touch him.

Once the zipper was fully undone, he gently pulled my pants down, being careful not to pull my underwear down with them. Once he had my pants up I sat back down on the bed and allowed him to pull them over my legs and off.

I stood back up and looked down at her. “Now I want you to pull my underwear down”

I could tell from her expression that she knew where this was going, but she knew the alternative if she refused. She reached out and grabbed the waistband of my underwear with both hands and gently pulled it down. As she pulled, my cock leaped into view, stood proudly at attention, and finally freed from her hold and she gazed at him in horrified fascination. It’s not huge, about 7 inches long, but it’s thick and solid and she was impressed with it.

“Have you ever seen a cock before Cunt” I asked.

“No, never,” she replied

“Well, don’t look at it, touch it, feel and play with it. You will know him very well”

Knowing she had no choice but to obey, she slowly dropped my underwear gathered at my feet and reached out with both hands, and grabbed her cock. Her hands felt cool against the heat of my flaming member as she gently ran them up and down the length from my cock to the tip where her fingers became sticky from the cum pouring out of him, proof of how excited I was.

“Everything is sticky,” she said looking at the liquid on her hands.

“This is called pre cum Cunt, it helps lubricate a cock, making it easier for him to penetrate a pussy”

She looked at me with fear in her eyes, I read the unasked question on her face, I’m going to shoot her now.

“Don’t worry fool, I’m not going to shoot you, not yet anyway”

She exhaled heavily, relieved that I wasn’t going to force my thick cock into her tight little one.

“Do you like the smell of rooster?” I asked “Take a good sniff and see what you think”

She looked at me with disgust, but slowly leaned forward and delicately sniffed my cock.

“It smells awful,” she said in true disgust.

“Well, it may smell awful, but I want you to lick it. Just imagine it’s a lollipop and lick it from the bottom right to the top”

She looked at him with revulsion and shook her head slightly from side to side.

“I couldn’t, I just couldn’t, just the thought makes me sick, it’s disgusting. It smells and is covered in that sticky stuff”

I grabbed a hand of her hair and forced her to look at me,

“I’m starting to lose my patience with you, you cock-teasing bitch, either do as you’re told or I’ll tie you to that table and ram my cock into your tight asshole and pull you until you can’t. stand. What will it be, decide quickly?”

She was shaking in pain from her hair so tight in my fist as she looked at me and said: “ok I will do what you want please give me the hair I will”.

I released her hair and she ran a hand through it and rubbed her scalp to ease the pain.

“Then get over it before I rape your tight ass just to teach you a lesson”

He slowly moved his hand to my cock to keep it still and then moved his head forward. She stuck out her delicate tongue and made contact with the skin at the base of my cock. Her nose wrinkled, obviously disgusted at what she was being forced to do.

He slid his tongue up my shaft to the tip, stopping before he even reached the tip, which was covered in pre-cum, then moved back to the base to start again. She repeated this half a dozen times and I knew she was trying to avoid the large drop of pre-cum that was sitting right on the tip of my cock.

“Wait,” I said as she moved her tongue to the base of my cock for her next trip.

He looked at me questioningly.

I reached down and pulled back my foreskin, revealing the purple head of my cock, swollen and glistening with sperm.

“Now I want you to take the whole head of my cock in your mouth and I want you to suck it. Make sure you use your tongue, especially on the slit at the tip of my cock, the slit where the pee comes out”

I deliberately tried to disgust and degrade this little whore.

“And if I feel any teeth, I’ll remove them one by one with a pair of pliers, so watch out”

He looked at my cock with revulsion; he looked so different with his foreskin pulled back. Before, she had just licked normal skin, which she didn’t like, but this seemed so foreign to anything she had seen before, and she was so obviously disgusted by it.

“It’s either in your mouth or your ass, fool,” I said, reminding her of her alternatives.

Tears began to stream down her cheeks as she slowly moved her head forward and parted her lovely soft red lips to swallow my purple cock head in her warm wet mouth.

She started sucking her head like a calf nursing its mother’s teat, she was sucking hard and fast and I was in heaven, I knew I wasn’t going to last long if she kept this up.”

“Don’t forget your tongue,” I said

She took her mouth off my cock and stuck her tongue out and pushed the tip into the slit at the end of my cock. Then he cupped her head again with his lips and resumed his sucking.

Looking down at her cute little face, cock in her mouth, and tears on her cheeks, I was in ecstasy, life didn’t get any better than this. Dominating and degrading a young girl, showing her that she is a toy to be played with, a whore to be used, nothing more than a collection of wet holes to be fucked for a man’s pleasure.

The need to dominate arose in me. I had to show her how worthless she was, and how little she mattered.

I removed my cock from her mouth and went to the table, grabbing a pair of handcuffs that were hanging there.

“Put your hands behind your back,” I shouted as I turned to her.

“Why,” she said, taken aback by my sudden change of mood.

“Just do as you’re told, bitch,” I yelled.

She immediately put her hands behind her back, scared of what I might do if she didn’t obey. I closed the cuffs around her wrists and then stood in front of her.

“Stay on your knees, but stay standing otherwise,” I said.

I grabbed her hair with both hands, one on each side of her head, and pulled her face towards my cock.

“Open the bitch wide,” I said. She opened her mouth and I pushed my cock in and pulled her on me, burying my cock up to the hilt in front of her, forcing her face towards me, her nose buried in my pubic hair. I held her there, feeling my entire length engulfed in her warm, wet cavity.

She couldn’t do anything to protect herself with her hands cuffed behind her back and I started violently thrusting my cock into her, slamming it into her mouth, again and again, pushing it deep into her throat. She choked and choked and drool dripped from her mouth and down her chin and onto her breasts, Tears washed down her cheeks and mucus began to flow from her nose as her body desperately produced fluid to- and protect the soft tissues from the invader forcing its way.

In the mouth, over the tongue, and in the throat. Up to this point, reluctant as she was, she was in control, doing my bidding but sucking my cock herself. Now she was out of control, abused and defiled, not a participant, just a piece of meat.

I was in total control, forcing myself onto her, into her, her master, her lord, she was nothing and I was everything. I pulled her hair as hard and tightly as I could, determined to cause her as much physical pain as possible, while she fought hard just to breathe, as I filled her throat with my cock, blocking her airway. She gagged and desperately tried to breathe through her nose but the mucus running from it was making it difficult for her and she blew bubbles out of her nostrils, as her face got redder and redder.

I didn’t care, I was only concerned with the feelings I was experiencing, my cock was so pumped full of blood, it was almost painful to me; I had never seen it bigger. I continued to ram it in and out of her as she gagged and struggled to breathe, saliva dribbling down her chin and snot running from her nose, as I abused her mercilessly. I rammed into her face over and over again with all my strength, oblivious to her pain and distress, wanting to hurt her.

She was nothing, I wanted to fuck her face forever if I could, fuck her face until she suffocated, until she choked and died, fuck her face as she died. I wanted to kill her, I was lost in hate and lust, nothing mattered but torturing this little cunt, this worthless little cunt. I was pounding into her with all the force I could muster, trying to force my cock as far into her as I could, trying to break this little cunts face, rupture her throat, fill her lungs with cum, and take her life.

Then at last I felt my cock begin to contract, as spurt after spurt of my cum, erupted into her throat. She gagged and choked and swallowed as fast as she could, desperately trying to keep her airway clear. I continued to force myself into her until the spurts began to slow and finally stop. I held my cock as far into her throat as I could until I felt the last spurt come pulsing out of the tip.

I pulled out of her and released her hair. She gasped for breath and collapsed onto the floor, her chest heaving as her body took in the oxygen it craved, in huge breaths. She coughed and cum and saliva ran out of her mouth and nose and onto the floor, her face was covered in snot, cum, and saliva. As her breathing slowed down, she started to cry quietly to herself, as she curled up into the fetal position.

I sat on the edge of the bed getting my breath back and appreciating the afterglow of the most intense orgasm I had ever had. I sat looking down at the young cunt laying there crying, and I knew that the chances of her surviving the next few days, were not good. I wanted to hurt her and make her suffer. I wanted to make her experience pain she couldn’t imagine. I wanted to watch the spark of life leave her and I knew that it would be the most intense experience of my life. And hers, but for her, it would be her last ever experience.

I got up and walked over and turned the cameras and the theatre lights off, just leaving the regular lights on. I went out, relocking the door and leaving the little whore lying on the floor where she had fallen. I went upstairs and showered and dressed in fresh clothes, then had some food.

It was only mid-morning and I decided to make the most of the day. I went back downstairs refreshed and ready for more. As I unlocked the door and went inside I saw that the bitch had moved and was now lying curled up on the bed.

I went over to her and spoke. “Get up,” I said, “it’s time for a shower and something to eat”

She slowly sat up and looked at me, saying nothing. I could see the dried cum and snot still on her face, her hair messed up and out of shape, where I had held onto it.

“Come on,” I said and led her over to the door and up the stairs. I took her into the bathroom and unlocked the handcuffs.

“Get your skirt and shoes and socks off,” I said and stood leaning against the wall watching her. She reluctantly slipped her shoes and socks off and slowly pushed her skirt down to the floor.

“I need to pee, badly,” she said.

“Go on then, I’m not stopping you”.

“I can’t go in front of you,” she said.

“You’ll have to because I want to watch”

“I can’t, it’s private,” she said

Anger flashed across my face, “nothing about you is private, get that into your stupid little head, nothing, and you need to learn that”.

I took my knife from my pocket and pointed it at her. “Climb into the bath,” I said, “Now”

She looked warily at the blade, not sure what I intended.

“Now sit on the edge of the bath, with your back against the wall, so you are facing me”

She slowly did as she was told, climbing into the bath and sitting on the edge, with her feet inside it. She winced as her bare buttocks touched the cold enamel of the lip of the bath.

“Now spread your legs so I can see that little cunt”

She looked at the knife, not sure if I was going to use it on her. I realized that she thought I may have gotten her into the bath so that her blood wouldn’t get on the floor if I cut her. Clever girl I thought.

She slowly spread her legs.

“Now I want to see you piss in the bath for me so that I can get a good view and don’t hold back. I want you to drain every drop. It’s either going to be your piss or your blood in the bath. Your choice” I said holding the knife up.

She thought for a moment and then closed her eyes in concentration; she was suffering from stage fright and was struggling to pee with me watching her.

A small trickle started from between her legs which soon become a flood. She still had her eyes closed.

“Look at me” I yelled. She opened her eyes and I put my empty hand forward and caressed her cunt, as the pee squirted between my fingers, I pulled my hand back and licked the pee off of it, sucking it from my fingers, much to her disgust. I laughed out loud and lent right over into the bath, forcing my face into her pussy and sticking my tongue into her, as her pee squirted around it, over my face, and down my chin, soaking my clean shirt.

The flow ceased as she pushed my head away roughly and yelled at me, “you filthy beast, how could you do something so gross and disgusting”.

Her manner changed as she saw the expression on my face, “who the fuck do you think you’re talking to, cunt” I yelled back, dropping the knife on the floor and grabbing her by her hair.

I forced her down onto her knees in the bath and pushed her head forward until her forehead was touching the bottom. I roughly pulled her wrists behind her and held them in place with one hand. Taking the handcuffs from my back pocket, I secured her hands behind her once again. I quickly removed my belt and fastened it around her lower legs, binding them together. She was now totally helpless.

I roughly turned her over onto her back and she lay in the bottom of the bath looking up at me, terrified, not sure what I intended.

I picked my knife up from the floor, panting from the sudden exertion.

“So I’m a beast am I, cunt. Well, I may be, but you don’t have the right to say so”.

I undid the zip on my trousers and pulled my cock out. She watched me fearfully as I stood looking down into the bath at her. “Beasts use piss to mark their territory, so I will be a beast and use my piss to mark mine,” I said coldly.

I aimed my cock and a stream of piss spurted out into the bath as I adjusted my aim onto her face. She screwed her face up and tightly shut her eyes as she turned her face away from me. I stopped the flow immediately and let go of my cock; I grabbed her by the chin and forced her to face me.

“Listen to my cunt, your life depends on it” She opened her eyes, blinking repeatedly, trying to remove any pee and stop it from getting into her eyes.

I held the knife to her face and gently pushed the point into her nearest nostril. I then lent forward and placed the plug into the hole in the bottom of the bath.

“You listen well and do as I say, or else you are going to die now. I am going to piss on you and you are going to take it. If you disobey me, I will turn the hot tap on and hold your legs up and watch as the water covers your face and you drown. That water fucking hot too, but that will be the least of your worries unless you can breathe water”.

I put my knife on the edge of the bath and grabbed the belt around her legs and lifted it so that her legs were raised. I reached out to the hot tap with my other hand and turned it on so that just a trickle of water flowed from it.

“I want you to keep your eyes open and to open your mouth wide. When I piss on your face, you will not turn your head away, you will take whatever I give you. If you disobey me, I will turn on the tap and watch you die. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” she said quietly.

I let go of her legs and shut off the tap. I stood up looking down at her.

I took hold of my cock and said “Open wide cunt”.

She opened her mouth wide and kept her eyes open looking at the ceiling.

“Keep your eyes on my cock, cunt” I said, “I want you to see what a man pissing looks like. And remember, your mouth and eyes stay open if you want to live”.

I aimed and a stream of piss jetted onto her face splashing in all directions, as she desperately tried to keep her eyes open, blinking repeatedly. I aimed the stream into her mouth and kept it there as her mouth filled up and the piss overflowed and ran out over the sides and into the bath. “Don’t you spit it out, or you’ll be sorry” I yelled.

I moved my aim to her nostrils, knowing she was breathing through them alone, forcing her to hold her breath for a few seconds. Then I aimed directly into her eyes. She tried to keep them open but they kept closing involuntarily, as her body automatically worked to protect the delicate membranes. I moved the flow back over her face, topping up her mouth and down onto her tits.

I aimed for each nipple in turn and then moved further down, briefly pausing on her belly button, filling the little cavity, and then down onto her mound. As her legs were tied together, I could not get right between them but I did my best and sprayed her cunt area as best as I could.

I could feel my flow slowing down, so I quickly returned to her face and sprayed her once again, as the flow gradually stopped.

I quickly picked up my knife from the edge of the bath and held it to her throat. She kept her head completely still, with her mouth full of piss and her face soaking wet, blinking repeatedly to try and clear her vision. She looked directly at me, keeping completely still, not wanting to provoke me again.

“Now I want you to swallow the piss in your mouth. Take it slowly, or you will choke, swallow it a little at a time, but swallow it all”.

She knew she had no choice, with deep concentration, she opened her gullet quickly, briefly, and swallowed a small amount of my piss.

“Good girl,” I said “That’s the way”

She repeated the action and the level of piss in her mouth went down a bit further. As she continued, all the piss slowly disappeared and when the last drops had been swallowed, she turned her head to one side and coughed and retched, her face a mask of disgust and revulsion.

“In the future, you’d better be very careful what you say to me cunt. Disrespect me and you will pay the price”. I went into the bath and undid the belt around her calves; I then pulled her upright by her shoulders and unlocked the handcuffs.

“Get showered,” I said “you smell like a urinal”

I went out shutting the door behind me.

I went into my bedroom and changed my damp shirt. I could still smell the sweet odor of the young girl’s piss. I thought about what I had done here so far. I’d had a great time seeing her strip and caressing her tits and eating her lovely sweet cunt. Fucking her face had been sublime, the best orgasm ever. Pissing at her hadn’t been part of the plan but she’d deserved it. Maybe now she’d watch what she said and show some respect.

I went downstairs and got some sandwiches ready, I wasn’t worried about her trying to escape. All the doors and windows were securely locked and couldn’t be seen from the road, thanks to the trees surrounding the property.

I went back upstairs to my bedroom and picked up the clothes I’d picked out for her. I walked up to the bathroom door and went in. There was no lock; She was drying herself on the towel I’d left for her.

“Put these on,” I said and handed her the clothes. They consisted of a set of very pretty, feminine white lingerie, the bra low cut and lacy and the knickers very small and sexy, covering her pubic mound and not much else. There was also a very short skirt of red plaid, a pair of red hold-up stockings, and a pair of high-heeled red shoes.

She slowly dressed in the clothes I had given her while I stood and watched. I was happy to see, that despite all I had done to her, she was still self-conscious and tried to dress discretely, turning away from me so that I couldn’t see her cunt and tits. I let it go without comment, I just feasted my eyes on her ass, which was beautiful to behold. I realized that I hadn’t given this beautiful piece of her flesh any attention yet and I decided there and then, to put this omission right.

When she had finished dressing, she turned towards me. I let out a whistle and said “Very nice outfit. You’re making my cock twitch cunt. Let’s get downstairs and see what the rest of the day brings shall we”.

I led her out of the bathroom onto the landing and down the stairs. She hung onto the handrail, taking the steps carefully in her high heels. Once we reached the ground floor she hesitated, not wanting to go back down to the cellar and what awaited her down there.

“Get your ass downstairs cunt, or I may not carry on treating you as well as I have up to now”.

She looked at me and her expression was one of disbelief. She didn’t think I had been treating her well. She would learn.

I collected the sandwiches I had made from the kitchen and followed her. She climbed down the cellar stairs carefully and entered the door, I closed and locked it. I went and turned the theatre lights on and set the cameras rolling. I then turned the CD player on and the sounds of some slow dance music came over the speakers.

“Now then Cunt, I want you to do some sexy dancing for me. I want to see some sexy slow dancing and I want to see you wiggle and gyrate that ass at me and don’t forget to thrust that little pussy at me too. Now get to it”.

She looked at me for just a second or two before starting to move in time to the music. She was a natural dancer and she started to move her hips and wiggle her ass from side to side. She knew how to move her little body about and the little skirt and hold-up stockings added to the sexiness of the whole performance. My cock grew inside my trousers and my face could not hide the lust that I was feeling.

“Lose the bra,” I said, as I wanted to see her tits move as she danced.

She reached up behind her and undid the clasp of her bra without comment, then drew the straps down her arms and dropped it onto the floor.

Even though they were small, her breasts bounced about as she gyrated her hips and my cock grew uncomfortable, enclosed inside my trousers. I pulled down my zip and freed my cock from its confines. I didn’t touch it, as I didn’t want to risk cumming and wasting my seed.

“Lose the knickers too,” I said. She stopped dancing and looked at me, noticing for the first time that my cock was out and hard. She slowly pulled her knickers down and stepped out of them.

“Give them to me,” I said

She handed them to me and stood there looking at me. I exaggeratedly held them to my nose and inhaled deeply, knowing she would hate it.

“Carry on dancing for a little while longer Cunt” I said “My cock is almost ready for you”

Realizing what I meant, she started to cry gently as she resumed her dancing.

As soon as the track finished I stood up. “It’s time,” I said and took hold of her arm, and led her over to the table. I pushed her toward the end of it and said “bend over it as far as you can and then stretch your arms out”.

She knew better than to argue and she bent forward over the table, her tiny skirt riding up and giving me a great view of her firm little ass. I walked to the other end of the table, reached for one of her wrists, and pulled it so that she was stretched forward over the table, barely able to keep her feet on the floor. I tightly buckled one of the many leather straps that were attached to the edge of the table, to her wrist tightly.

I then reached out and pulled her other wrist and buckled it to the opposite table edge.

I now walked back around behind her and crouched down. I grabbed her around the left ankle and pulled her foot towards the table leg. I fastened her to the table leg with another leather strap around her ankle. I repeated the process with her right leg.

I stood up and surveyed my handiwork.

She was bent forward over the table from the waist, with her arms stretched forwards and slightly out to the sides. Her legs were fastened widely spread, giving me access to both her ass and her cunt.

I went over to the camera controls and focused the cameras on the table, taking care to cover her head from all angles. I wanted to be able to watch her anguished expressions later, at my leisure. I walked round to the side of the table she was facing, her head turned to one side, lying on the table.

“I haven’t told you yet what a great ass you have. A girl’s ass is a beautiful thing, made for sex and abuse. I am going to make use of yours now. Enjoy”.

I walked back round behind her and she tried to turn her head and see what I was going to do, but the angle was uncomfortable for her and she was soon forced to lay her head back down.

I knelt behind her and reached out with both hands and spread her ass cheeks. I then started to furiously lick her little brown starfish, and push my tongue as far into the little sphincter as I could. Saliva ran down my chin as I forced my mouth as tightly into her ass crack as I could and sucked her little ass opening.

I repeatedly licked and sucked and delved with my tongue, while squeezing her firm ass cheeks as hard and painfully as I could with my hands, while at the same time, spreading her cheeks to give my mouth access to her hole. Her legs shook and twitched as the unusual sensations of pleasure and pain, fought for notice in her brain.

I wanted to open her up a bit, so I used the forefinger and thumb on my left hand to spread her cheeks, and then, after sucking the forefinger of my right hand to lubricate it a little, I shoved it hard into her asshole. I furiously pumped it in and out of her ass hole and I was rewarded with continuous grunts of discomfort from the bitch. I didn’t need any further prompting and I forced a second finger into her and resumed my pounding of her little ass opening.

She screamed out loud as I continued to roughly abuse her asshole. If she hated it, then I loved it. As I forced a third finger inside her, I leaned forward and bit her ass cheek, hard, leaving bright red teeth marks behind. She let out a high-pitched girlie scream and I nearly came there and then. I then took my fingers out of her asshole and started to bite her repeatedly, all over her ass cheeks, again and again, and again.

She continuously screamed in agony. I stood up then and unbuckled my belt and slid it out of the loops on my trousers. I bent it double and then, taking a huge swing, I let it slam into her ass cheeks, leaving a bright red weal. I swung again and again, crisscrossing her ass with bright red marks, her screams a continuous delightful song to my ears.

I couldn’t wait any longer, I finished with one powerful swing to the backs of her thighs, and then I dropped the belt. I moved up behind her and grabbed my cock, aiming it at her ass hole.

The feel of her little sphincter against the head of my cock as I probed between her ass cheeks, was electric. I pushed it into her opening, and then, gripping her hips, I forced my full length into her, grunting with the effort as she cried out once more.

“Oh god,” she yelled as I started to batter her sore little ass hole, pulling almost out, before hammering back in, as violently as I could. Her pain, my pleasure; my pleasure, her pain. Each time I rammed into her, she grunted in discomfort, her muscle, sore and bleeding from my assault.

I loved to hear her grunting and I forced myself into her harder and harder, determined to keep her vocalizing her pain. I could feel my cock begin to tighten and I came into her ass, spurting semen deep inside her, my orgasm so strong, that my vision wavered and I saw stars before my eyes.

I pushed into her as hard as I could and enjoyed the feeling of my seed pulsing out of my cock and into her ass. Once the flow of semen had stopped, I stayed inside her and lent forward, resting my head on her back, as my cock slowly deflated. From my position, resting my head on her back, I could hear her sobbing quietly to herself.

She realized the assault had stopped as I pulled my softening cock from inside her.

Blood and spunk ran out of her asshole and down her legs, and her ass cheeks were covered in bite marks and red welts from the belt I had used on her.

I left her tied to the table and went to get cleaned up and get my breath back.

I went back down a few minutes later with a bowl of salt water and used it to wash the wounds on her buttocks and the single red weal across her thighs.

It wasn’t out of kindness; I just didn’t want her wounds to get infected and endanger her. If she was going to experience anything life-threatening, I wanted it to be me administering it, not some nameless bacteria.

She winced as the salt water washed over her wounds.

“Why are doing all these horrible things to me,” she asked.

“I don’t know you, I’ve never even seen you before, so why do you want to hurt me?”

I finished washing her buttocks and stood up, looking down at her.

“I don’t have to answer to you or anybody else Cunt, but I will tell you why just to amuse myself. Women these days are far too full of themselves. They think they are equal to men and have the right to self-determination, just like men. That is an illusion. The only reason western women can safely walk the streets without protection is that men have made their world a safer place for them. And what gratitude do they show to men?

They strut around and spout off about equality and equal rights. They parade around scantily clad and scowl at any man who dares to look at what they display. They scold men with their foul tongues, the natural weapon of the weak while feigning horror if a man puts his hands on them, using his natural weapon, his greater strength, to put them in their place.

A man should never hit a woman, they cry, trying to castrate a man and give themselves the power they have no natural right to wield. In other parts of the world, it is not so. Women know their place and are punished if they try to usurp a man’s position. I guarantee, that women’s so-called equality, will not survive the first natural disaster that washes away this veneer of civilization.

Then, once again, she will turn to a strong man for protection. Now how does this apply to you? Well, I have decided that if I see a woman that I want, then I will have her. She will have no say in the matter. If I can overpower her, she will be mine to do with as I will. I have overpowered you, therefore you are mine. If I want to fuck you, beat you or kill you, that’s up to me.

“You aren’t going to kill me are you?” she said her voice full of fear.

“It’s up to you to give me a reason to keep you alive. I told you when you arrived that you were here for my enjoyment. You’d better make sure I continue to enjoy you”.

I undid the leather straps holding her down and helped her stand up.

I pointed to the sandwiches.

“You have something to eat and then lay down and rest. I have a few things to do this afternoon. I will be back this evening and I will see what else you have to offer then”.

I went out, locking her in and leaving her to think that over.

Chapter 6

When I went back down to the cellar that evening I brought a Chinese takeaway and a large bottle of sweet sparkling wine with me. She was pathetically pleased to see what I had brought her and I couldn’t help but be amazed at how resilient she was. She had replaced her bra and knickers and was still wearing the short skirt and hold-up stockings.

I locked the door and began serving the food out between us; I had brought plastic plates, cups, and cutlery. We both sat down on the bed and ate in silence. She seemed very hungry and ate every last scrap of the food I gave her. She drank two full cups of wine with her meal and I poured her a third, once she had finished eating.

I cleared the plates and empty cartons into a corner and went back and sat next to her on the bed.

I gently put my hands on her shoulders and pushed her backward.

She looked frightened and I said “Don’t worry; I will be gentle with you tonight, as long as you behave yourself. You respond to me and be nice and I will be gentle with you. Fight me, or resist in any way and I will hurt you badly

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