I woke up empty, it was strange. I had gone to bed in my pajamas; when you live with your parents and two younger siblings, you kind of have to. There didn’t seem to be anything above me either, no quilt or blankets, just a gentle breeze blowing over my firm young body. The bed beneath me felt silky and pleasant, but that hardly made up for the general awkwardness of the situation. I stood up and opened my eyes to be greeted by an even stranger sight.
I certainly wasn’t in my north London bedroom; instead, I seemed to be in a large purple silk pavilion with open sides, sitting on a huge round bed at least twenty feet in diameter. Beyond the confines of the gazebo, simpler tents could be seen in rows that stretched as far as the eye could see, punctuated only by the occasional small thicket of trees. Nor was I alone in this strange place, many people thronged outside, moving about the ill-defined streets for all manner of tasks, and dressed most strangely.

However, it immediately drew my attention to those who share the purple flag with me. Dozens of naked or nearly naked women sat on the bed or cushions, sofas, or chairs around him. I mean, for the most part, they let themselves go, a few put on makeup, dress up, or masturbate of all things. As confused as I was, it was a relief when a voice behind me said
“So you’re the new girl,” I turned to see a beautiful young woman with skin as pale as alabaster, a fact that the few pieces of silk she wore didn’t hide. She was standing a little behind me, her legs curled under her and a delicate hand on one hip.
“She, I think so, I mean…” I stammered
“You’re confused, I know,” interrupted the woman, “of course you are, everyone’s at the beginning, don’t worry. I expect you want to know where you are.” I nodded.
“This is a pavilion of pleasure serving the horde of the unholy Lord Samael” this made nothing more clear and it showed clearly on my face as she then said
“Ah, I see you haven’t heard of the horde, what world are you from?”
“Well, Earth, I suppose,” I replied
“Hmm, never heard of that, makes sense. Let me explain then. Lord Samael is a demon prince, a fallen angel. He escaped the bonds of hell decades ago and with his army of demons conquered entire worlds. Many races now serve in the endless horde. The warriors grow restless, however between conquests and here we come. We serve to please the warriors, to relieve their stress by using our bodies. One of the prince’s wizards cast a spell to choose suitable candidates at random from all worlds, now he has chosen you.
All of this as you can imagine left me speechless, I was half sure it was all a dream but at the same time, it all seemed all too real. The woman, whoever she was, seemed to take my silence as acceptance as she approached me
“Now let’s see, you’re a human, I’d say about sixteen,” her voice thought as she looked at me. Running her fingers through my hair she continued “dark, thick and well groomed, good” my eyes widened in shock as her hands moved from my hair to my breasts.
“Average breast size, firm, flexible,” her voice sounded approving and her fingers were gentle, it wasn’t entirely unpleasant, but still strange beyond belief. I was frozen in shock until she ran her hands between my legs. Turning with a shriek, I blushed.
Up for some pleasure
“What are you doing!?” I almost screamed. The expression on her face was half exasperated, half amused.
“Well, we have to look at you to know who you’re right for.”
“You can’t, no! I’m not a whore!” I screamed
The amusement was gone from her face, she said sternly
“You are a servant of the horde; you are what we say you are. If you’re not a whore, then why are you wearing a collar? At this my hand flew to my neck, sure enough, there was a band around it, light and smooth to the touch. It didn’t feel like metal, but it didn’t seem likely to become a simple pull either. Rolling her eyes, the woman tossed me a mirror from one of the many cosmetic tables dotted around.
“Your collar is white,” she said, a look in the mirror showing that it was true
“Mine is red” I looked and she indeed had a collar similar to the one I was wearing in deep crimson
“Colours indicate rank, white being the lowest, purple the highest, except the goddess Lilith herself, the princess of pleasure, who wears the gold. You are currently subordinate to those who wear yellow, blue, red, purple, and gold. If you are obedient and show an aptitude for your work you will advance, you will get better clients, more respect, and better rations; don’t and you will be punished. You are part of the front of the horde, military discipline applies to everyone.”
“I didn’t ask for this, I don’t want this,” I moaned
“The spell only picks the right ones for the job, are you a virgin?”
“Well, no,” I admitted
“Actually, are you more of a whore?”
“No! Well… sort of,” I said with a shy half-smile. The woman nodded
“I thought, we all are. My name is Batha’niss, what is yours?”
“Emma,” I said
“Well, Emma, listen carefully. I am the oldest whore in this pavilion, there are many more because the horde is many thousands strong. You will listen to me and everyone else for now. Every day you will have certain reserved customers corresponding to your low status, you may find them displeased but that doesn’t matter at all, you have to serve them all the less.

As long as you stay in the pavilion, only customers are allowed to enter. If you go, however, be warned, your rank is below the worst warrior, and anyone and everyone may shoot you as they please.” He must have seen the worry on my face at that remark because he smiled and said
“Don’t worry, you might find you like it, or you wouldn’t have been called to serve. If you don’t work hard and soon you might gain enough rank that only officers can pull you over without your permission. Until then, though be warned, everyone is your superior.
“Okay, okay,” I had begun to accept the situation, there really didn’t seem to be anything else to do and I still wasn’t sure it wasn’t a dream.
“How about getting pregnant or getting sick?” I asked
“Don’t worry about that, many of the hordes aren’t human and so can’t impregnate you, otherwise we have a wizard making potions to counter both pregnancy and all known diseases of this type. Other questions?
“Yeah, what kind of sex should I have? What must I do?” this question seemed almost to confuse Batha’niss
“Why, everything; you will be done in the pussy, in the mouth, in the breasts and in the ass. There is nothing off limits other than permanently hurting you, which the princess will not allow. Do not be wrong, you are a hell toy, a sexual slave and until you reach the lowest rank.
I’m a goddamn toy too, but I’m as high as a captain and so can only be played by those higher up unless they give me leave. Now dress up, the morning parade for the companies of this battalion is coming to an end soon, you will have clients in an hour.”
With no more obvious option, I set about doing as red collar said, finding some matching makeup and then some clothes. There was nothing that was not rare in the extreme; I arrived in a sheer blue silk cloth and a small top of the same material that barely covered my breasts.
“New whore!” called one of the other girls, I looked and saw a tall creature, with the form and proportions of a beautiful human woman, but covered with vermilion scales, and with a head that combined the features of a woman and a snake, so that it no longer we’re talking about the queue.
Monstrous though she was, she was a creature of beauty and I found myself delighted in spite of myself, around her neck she wore a blue collar and I knew she was beyond me. Besides, “whore” seemed to be a normal way of addressing each other in the pavilion, so I just said
“What the?” if the lizard cared about my short answer, he didn’t show it
“Your first bastards are here,” she said pointing to a pair of warriors entering the pavilion. Other such groups had entered before and already several of my fellow whores were lying on the big bed in all sorts of compromising positions. With a wary eye I looked at those who would lay me down in the same way.
I was in shock. One of them looked normal enough, a big man with a bare torso and an athlete’s body. He was black with a large ax slung over his shoulder which I saw him hand to one of the pavilion guards. However, his companion was quite different. The first was human, if with a barbaric nature I had only seen before in the movies, the second was not. Even with his hunched shoulders, he was at least as tall as the barbarian.
Those shoulders were huge and very muscular, as were his arms, which hung down like a monkey’s. His skin was dark olive green and his lower jaw jutted out with long fangs pointing upwards like fangs, now I knew what Batha’niss meant when he said some customers might be displeased.
“It’s a… what’s that?” I asked a girl next to me in a yellow collar
“An orc,” she said after a quick look, “big dicks, but they can be pretty brutal. Cheers.” With that she went back to applying eyeliner. Knowing I didn’t have much of a choice in the matter, I plucked up some courage and made myself approach the two. Up close they were even bigger, the human towered over my 5’5” by a foot to spare, and the orc was taller still.
“Um, hi,” I said, not knowing how to begin. But the men seemed to know exactly what they were doing. They loomed barbarian and looked down on me and smiled
“Fresh cutie,” his voice rumbled deep as I expected and sent chills down my spine. Their smell was pungent, clearly deodorant hadn’t been invented here, but the sheer masculinity of it had a power of its own. Ork was different, not better for sure, never that, but with a power of its own. Maybe it was pheromones or something I don’t know, I’m no scientist, what I do know is that the idea of being attracted to these two stopped making me withdraw and turned me on too. As my lower lips began to moisten, the orc’s large nostrils flared
“It’s done, he likes it,” he muttered in broken but intelligible human speech, which was somehow comforting, at least he was intelligent, not an animal.
The man didn’t respond verbally, instead, without warning, he simply picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, making me yelp in surprise. Partly, I was kind of offended by his complete lack of respect for me, but at the same time, masculinity was coming out on a primal level, the most rugged rugby player I’d ever met was nothing to this guy. Suddenly I was thrown onto the soft silk bed and lay there for a second stunned, then remembered what I had to do.
With an unconscious chuckle, I looked at the large bulge in the leather cloth the man was wearing. Reaching out, I tossed it aside to reveal a long, thick cock. Already the barbarian’s cock was half erect; closing a small hand around hers, I moved my mouth closer. I was good at cock sucking; I kind of enjoyed doing it too. Plus, when you’re dating older guys when you’re fourteen and you want to keep your virginity for a while longer, you really have to practice. My pink tongue flashed licking his head before moving down the shaft and finally down to his balls.

I took one in my mouth, rolling it around with my tongue, above me the beast of a man growled contentedly. After a moment, I released the ball and returned to his cock, tracing my tongue back down its length before engulfing the head with my wet lips. The cock was getting hard now, growing in his mouth. Above me the barbarian grabbed a hand of my hair and pushed me forward, swallowing deeply. It hurt, but god it was hot.
Then I got a real surprise. Without warning, a huge hand grabbed my bottom and squeezed me so that I had to let go of the man’s cock to support myself on my hands and knees.
“Shut up whore!” his base rumble complained, yanking my face up so my mouth could once again accept his now fully erect rod. The back hand wasn’t done though, with a quick squeeze he tore off my silky web leaving all the holes open to the world, it had to be the orca I knew. Seconds later, my unyielding legs were spread, displaying my fuck holes all the better.
“Good kitty,” the ork rumbled behind me, confirming what I already knew. As I continued to happily suck on the man’s thick shaft, I felt a wet wet tongue brush along my slit, wetting it even more. Any hopes I had of a proper meal in town were dashed though as moments later a large, thick head began to probe the entrance to my womb. I didn’t expect the orca to be delicate, he wasn’t.
With one blow, the biggest cock I’ve ever taken was thrust into my fair, wet or not, I cried out in pain. The man wouldn’t have any truck with that, pulling my head forward he rammed his cock back into my throat, making me face. I always thought it was just another word for a blowjob, I was wrong. At least seven inches were repeatedly pushed up my lily white neck as the brute panted and grunted above me.
However, that was nothing to the angry bastard I was ready to take from behind. The orc’s cock couldn’t have been less than nine inches and was wide with it, I would have sworn blind that I couldn’t take such a monster, but my greedy mouth opened wide to accept it. Each stroke brought pain, but with it came pleasure, the huge shaft filled me like nothing else and I felt a climax brewing.
I moaned around the cock in my mouth as I drove it deep down my throat, only when I choked did he let me out and then not for long. It was painful and degrading, but somehow that made it all the more poignant, maybe Batha’niss was right, maybe I was here. The barbarian’s grunts and sobs grew louder and faster until, without a word, he began to pour cum directly down my throat.
Pulling gently, he squirted it into my mouth before they exited together and released a string on my face. I swallowed what was in my mouth, all my boyfriends had liked it and a man was a man. Now able to breathe, I was able to moan as the orc continued to pull me with surprising resistance. His hands roamed my lean body, cupping my hips, stomach, and breasts. Apparently tired of having anything between him and my body, the beast ripped off my top, leaving me bare except for the white collar around my neck.
Needing and tugging at my bare breasts, the orc showed little skill and less concern for me, but his size and the rapidity of his thrusts building nearly sent me over the edge. With a sudden roar of triumph or satisfaction, the orc unleashed a veritable flood of thick cum into my pussy. Way more sperm than any man could produce plastered my insides until they started to leak. This finally sent me over and just as hot as sticky cum sprayed first inside me and then onto my ass and I came too, moaning like the whore I was now.
At the end of my massive orgasm, my arms gave way and I lay on the bed, covered in the sperm of two species. Apparently satisfied the two warriors left without a word, they had gotten what they came for. I stood there for several minutes before an alabaster bird appeared in front of me. Looking up I saw it belonged to Batha’niss, she was smiling.
“You enjoyed it the first time, then you did it to yourself?” I didn’t say anything, but she nodded, “Okay, some don’t, but you have the makings of a very good whore, maybe even a courtesan one day. There is no time to lie there, though you are standing.” Reluctantly I did.
Batha’niss was almost completely naked and had a drop of cum on her luscious red lips; apparently, she had also just finished with a client, albeit one who made less of a mess than mine. Out of habit, I smacked my lip where her cum was. With one finger, she gently lifted the drop and handed it to me
“Try” I looked at her confused so she held it closer and insisted in a sterner voice “Try”. I already had a mouthful of cum and so it didn’t bother me too much, sucking the end of his finger I licked the best tasting substance I’ve ever had in his mouth. Where human sperm was salty, this was sweet and delicious
“What is it?” I asked
“Elf cum, an elf ranger captain graced my mouth with his cock. I just want to show you, climb the ranks and there are benefits. Now, even though you’re still the lowest whore in the horde, clean yourself up, you’ll have more customers soon.”