Alpha Kappa Beta Sorority… and Casey

I finally finished moving into my dorm room! I’m so excited to start over and leave high school and all the people who bullied me behind. My best friend Casey is one of my roommates, we paired up with two other random people. I hope they’re not mean.

Anyway, Casey and I have been best friends for as long as I can remember. He’s already finished packing and we’re about to go explore the university once he gets out of the shower. I’m so excited, I can’t wait!

I hear him finally finish in the bathroom and come out in nothing but a towel, showing off his slim and tanned figure. His wet blond hair sticks to his handsome face. His bright blue eyes twinkle vibrantly, as do mine. He walks over to our shared bunk beds and glances at me. “You get upset?”

“Oh, okay, sorry,” I mumbled turning away. I’m not gay, I swear… Okay, maybe just a little bit, but Casey and I have always been on the girlier side. Not by choice, it’s just how our bodies developed. We are both shorter than average, thin and some might say bubbly.


At least that’s what we’ve been told. I consider myself male, but many people have mistaken me for a girl. It’s irritating, but I managed to manage it. I glance over at Casey as she drops her towel. Yes, with bubbles for sure. His smooth tanned cheeks glisten as water beads slide from his lips to his gorgeous feet. God, I wish I was as tanned as him. Even though my skin is smooth as silk, I am quite pale. Some people think I only come out at night like I’m some kind of vampire.

Oh, Casey…

He notices me looking. “Ash?”

“I’m sorry Case, I’m just jealous… You’re so tanned!” Recognize.

“Ha, that’s just the color of my skin,” he tells me as he pulls on a pair of boxers that cover that nice bottom of his. I look away as he finishes dressing. I head to the bathroom to freshen up. I straighten my silky fiery red hair a bit. My steely blue-grey eyes shine while my smooth porcelain skin has a faint sheen. I have on a pair of jean shorts that hug my bum firmly.

Casey and I share a somewhat bubbly bottom, which I notice when I look at him in the mirror. No wonder everyone mistakes us for some chicks. Finally, she comes out wearing a pair of khaki shorts and a t-shirt with the school’s letters on it.

“Ready to see the campus?” I’m asking.

“Yeah…I guess so, I hope we can see if there are any parties tonight. Maybe you’ll get lucky with some girls for once?” I can’t help but laugh, I’ve never had any luck in the girl’s category. In high school, it was like we were simply invisible to girls.

We head over to see the scene. It’s a gorgeous day outside, typical California weather. Lots of other students outside, lots of girls. And of course, they all wear shorts and yoga pants. We walk down the sidewalk, passing a building known as the Multicultural Center. The entrance has gigantic pillars jutting out and is five pillars wide. We pass a few more buildings, one of which is the huge Library, which has six floors.

I caught myself looking at the bookcase and didn’t even notice there was a girl in front of me and bumped into her. She barely flinched, but I almost fell, tripping over her, but she caught me just in time. “Watch where you’re going… Oh hi.” As soon as he saw me, his face lit up. “You’re just the person we’re looking for.”

She might have been one of the most beautiful girls I’ve ever seen in my entire life. Dark brunette hair fell below her shoulders. Bright green eyes that seem to hypnotize you. She had on a tank top that clung to her visibly toned abs, along with a pair of crop tops that revealed a long pair of toned legs. I think my stomach just did a backflip.

“Keep it in your pants, Cass.” A dark raven came, a girl with dark caramel hair and skin. He was wearing a tight white shirt that showed off his toned stomach. Paired with a pair of smart wide-leg dark green trousers. He looked at me, then at Casey, and his eyes widened. “To think about it, you two should come to a party we’re having tonight,” she said as she moved closer to Casey, licking her lips.

“I was just about to say that,” Cass says as she looks down at my body, my arm still in her rather tight grip, which sends tingles through my body. “We’re a fairly new coed sorority and we’re having a rush party tonight. You really should both come. You would be perfect for our brotherhood.”

“Thanks! We’d love to come! Where exactly is the brother?” I’m asking.

“It ended on Cordoba Street, the second block down from campus. It’s right across from the Boardwalk,” she says with a smile. “There used to be a fraternity, but they got kicked off campus for some stupid reason. Anyway, I look forward to seeing you there!”

“Yeah, you’d be the perfect brother,” Cass’s friend tells Casey, giving him a possessive look. “See you both there.”

“Sure,” Case and I say at the same time.

As we leave, I hear Cass tell her friend that she has dibs on the redhead, and her friend tells her that she wants the blonde. My stomach flips as a shock runs up my spine. Do they really want us? I’ve never felt this way before. I’ve never been wanted by a woman before. It feels so erotic.

We eat at one of the canteens and continue the campus tour until late afternoon. Finally we return to the dormitories. As we walk inside, the other two roommates are unpacking. Both are completely broken, obviously, they are games. They notice us immediately when we enter. “Oh great, we have some nerds for roommates,” says the oldest.

“Oh great, some players for roommates,” I grumbled.

They both look at me like I’m crazy. “Ginger has a loud mouth,” says the eldest.

“Looks like this is going to be a long semester, I’m Ash by the way” I tell them.

“Ha, must be short for Ashley, looks like we have a girl for a roommate,” says the oldest. “Although the blonde looks just as feminine.”

“Hey! I have a name! I’m Casey,” he says.

“Let’s chill a bit before things get out of hand,” says the youngest, which surprises me. Normally, players are not that reasonable. “I’m Logan and this is Devin.”

I have to admit, Logan is kind of cute. He has jet black hair and creamy dark caramel skin and is super ripped, but his ass catches my attention. She has a thick butt that stretches her gym shorts. His legs are muscular and he appears to be naturally hairless. He’s not that tall, we’re about the same size. Which isn’t saying much since last time I checked I’m only 5ft 5in. The girls I met earlier were both taller than me and Casey.

“Well, nice to meet you guys,” I say.

“Well we just finished unpacking and now we’re going to check out the campus and try to find some parties tonight,” Logan says.

“We were just invited to a frat party on Cordoba Road,” I say.

“You two have never been invited to a sorority, you must be a bunch of fat chicks,” Devin says.

“Chill Devon,” Logan says. “We’ll check later. Let’s go Dev and check things out.”

“Dude, what the hell is wrong with you?” Devin asks as they walk out. “You are acting weird.”

“Why do you always have to be a jerk all the time” I hear Logan say as they walk down the hall out of sight.

“Well, that sucks,” Casey says. “We have some dumbass roommates…”

“Logan doesn’t look that bad,” I say. He doesn’t look bad at all.

“What time should we go to that party?” Casey asks.

“We don’t want to be too early,” I reply. “Maybe like 9ish? Is it fashionable late?”

“I suppose that sounds good,” he says. “I can’t believe that girl with the black hair said she wanted me.”

“Right? It feels so weird to actually be on the receiving end of a girl’s affection,” I admit. “You really think they want to be our friends?”

“I hope so! Maybe we’ll finally get to sleep!” Casey says excitedly I look at the clock and it’s almost 7.

“Should we get something to eat?” I’m asking.

“Yeah, I probably should,” Case agrees.

We go back to the cafeteria and get something to eat. Casey and I both have the full package when it comes to meal plans, but I really don’t want to get bogged down before a party. So I eat light.

“I know it’s not 9, but should we go to the party?” Casey asks.

“Yeah, I guess…” Sigh.

We’re heading to the sorority. As we arrive, the house is huge and full! People, mostly girls, sit on the lawn to chat. There is loud music. I recognize the song, it’s Back to Dust by The Blades, one of my favorite bands. I have never seen so many beautiful women in one place. There are a few other men who surprisingly aren’t the kind of guys I’d expect at a party like this. They’re all nerds like us. I could imagine a bunch of jocks at a party like this.

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As we walk home, several girls look at us like we’re cows in the slaughterhouse. I feel like we just walked into a lions den and we are the gazelle. I look nervously at Casey and he seems to be just as anxious.

A strong, muscular girl with short hair approaches us. “Look what we have here! If you two are looking for a good time, you’ve come to the right place.” He licks his lips like we’re the kind of delicious treat he’s been waiting for.

“Ahhh… thank you… I… We are… a…” I stutter trying to find a way out of this conversation. It scares me to bits.

“Behind Tammy, these two are mine and Alyson,” says a familiar voice behind me. I look back and see Cass looking as beautiful as ever in a slinky plaid mini skirt and a white button down blouse tied up showing off her 8 pack. She has white high heels. She looks like a sexy schoolgirl. “Aly look who came!” she shouted across the room.

“Wonderful!” Alyson screams that she is dressed in a tight black mini dress that reveals her skinny caramel legs. Before Casey and I know what’s happening, Cass and Alyson catch us. Cass pulls me aside as Alyson takes Casey.

“I’m so glad you came,” she whispers in my ear as she pulls me over to a keg, fills a cup and hands it to me. “Time to have some fun.” He winks at me as I take a sip. I almost spit it out, it’s so bitter. She laughs as she looks at my face.

“Have you never had a drink before?” she asks. I shyly shake my head no. “Oh, my God! We’ve got a first timer ourselves. You’re in for a long night, dear.”

She holds her cup up. “Luck!” she says as she slaps it against mine and takes a long swig. I try to do the same, but spill a little on my shirt. “By the way, what’s your name dear?”

“Ash,” I mutter as I try to clean myself up.

“Ahhh, you’re too cute,” she giggles as she grabs my hand and I find myself being dragged behind her again. “Alyson! Ping-pong with beer! Let’s top these little party girls the right way.”

Both Casey and I are dragged outside where there are several tables set up with people playing all sorts of drinking games. Casey and I went to the end of the table while Alyson and Cass set up beer pong. After everything is set up, they go to the other end of the table.

The cups are stacked in a pyramid on each side, starting with four cups at the end of the table, then three, then two, and finally one cup at the top of the pyramid. Each cup is half filled with beer. I look at Casey and he gives me the same look of confusion.

“Have any of you ever played beer pong?” Alyson asks. We both shake our heads no. Alyson and Cass exchange smiles. “Okay, the goal is to pong the other teams cup. Each player gets a turn to shoot. If you make a cup, the other team has to drink it and that cup is out of the game.

If a player makes two shots in a row, she warms up. If a player makes three shots in a row, she is on fire and can shoot until she misses. If both players get their turn, they can keep shooting until they miss. The goal is to get the other team to drink all their cups. If a team loses without scoring, they are called skunked and have to strip and walk around the house.”

“Oh, you can bounce it too, I mean two cups, but the other team can deflect a bounce,” Cass adds. “Also, if a ball rolls around the rim, you can blow it up.”

“Do you understand the rules?” Cass asks. We both nod. “Okay, now let’s decide which team goes first, one player from each team looks the other player in the eye and shoot at the same time until one player succeeds. Now since I go first Ash why don’t you go against me?

Casey and I look at each other so nervous, let’s try not to be embarrassed, look. Alyson throws one of the balls to me and I fumble it, falling to the ground. I awkwardly bend over to pick it up. I notice Cass’s eyes on my back. Finally, I approach the table and prepare to shoot. I look into Cass’s eyes as her gaze catches me eagerly. Her look is so intimidating.

“Ready?” she asks. I nod nervously. “On the count of three, shoot. 1… 2… 3!”

We both shoot and my ball doesn’t even hit a cup as Cass sinks it into the first cup. I go to get the cup and drink it when Cass interrupts me. “Oh, hun. you don’t have to drink that shot. That was just to determine which team goes first.” Both she and Alyson giggle.

Shamefully I put the cup back and toss the ball back to them. Cass makes another shot and it lands in the exact same cup. “Now you’re drinking,” she smiles.

I hesitantly take the cup and start drinking it. I take a few sips to get it down. Alyson shoots and sinks the ball into the back corner and Casey brings the cup down.

“Since we took both shots, we can shoot again,” Cass says.

We throw their balls back and Cass lines up his shot. A smile appears on her face as she dips her ball into another cup. “Heating!” she shouted.

I take the ball out and throw the cup down. Then Alyson takes the second shot as well. “He’s getting hot, too,” she grins. Casey grabs the next cup and we toss their marbles back. They did it in both front cups. We only have 6 cups left and they have all their cups left.

Cass looks me in the eye as she takes her shot and sinks it into the cup in the middle of the three cups in front. “Ha! I’m on fire!” she smiles I lower the cup and hand her the ball back.

She lets Alyson keep shooting and also dunks the ball into one of the front cups. “Look at this! I’m on fire too!”

Casey drinks his cup and hands the ball back to him. With only four cups left, Casey and I look on nervously. Before we even register what’s happening, Cass throws the ball into the nearest cup. “Ha two for one!” she grins. “You’re both drunk!”

Casey and I grab a cup and as we start to drink, Alyson goes to throw her ball, but I just luckily hit it. “Ah shoot! I was going for the win…”

Cass goes for her next shot as she is still on fire. As he throws it into the air, it lands on the edge of one of the cups and begins to roll, but Casey blows it away just in time. “Nice, Case!” I shout, giving him a high five. Now it’s finally our turn to shoot.

I let Casey go first. “Come on Case, if we can get one hit, we don’t have to run around the house naked.”

He lines up and takes the shot, it lands on the rim and bounces out.

The pressure is as I line up my shot. I practice my form and finally throw the ball. He flies through the air and bounces on the edge of the cup and starts to roll in, but just as I feel relief, Cass blows him away. “Shit!”

He gives me a sadistic grin as he dribbles the ball off the table. “Hmm, there’s your only chance to save face.”

Without even looking, he tosses it and dips it into the cup, and Alyson does right after. “Drink and strip, bitches!” Cass grins widely.

Casey and I exchange looks of horror. We drink the last two cups and both begin to undress hesitantly. We strip down to our underwear. I’m wearing a pair of white tights and Casey is wearing a pair of tight briefs. “Take it all out!” Alyson commands us.

“Do you really have to?” I’m asking. There’s no way I can do that. It’s way too humiliating.

“You’ve really screwed up, now it’s time to pay,” says Alyson.

“Naked Lap! Naked Lap!” Cass and Alyson start yelling and everyone else at the party joins in as they stop what they’re doing and follow us.

Embarrassingly, we both reluctantly shed our underwear and are now left completely naked. It’s the most humiliating thing any of us have ever done. Well, there were a few times in high school that would have been just as humiliating, but this definitely takes the cake. Being completely naked in front of some of the hottest girls any of us have ever seen far surpasses anything that happened in high school.

“Come on now, get on with it. Take a tour of the house,” says Alyson.

I look at Casey as he looks at me. “The sooner we do this, the sooner we get this over with,” Casey says and I nod. We start to run to the side of the house, our bare and lean bodies fully exposed to the public. Our little hammers swing from side to side as we run around the corner in front of the house. The front yard is still full of people and there are even more people at the other houses. Everyone bursts into laughter as they watch us run. The house itself is huge and takes forever to get to the other side.

A girl slaps my ass as I run away. Finally we head to the back of the house. When we get back to the beer pong table, we’re both frantically looking for our clothes. “Are you looking for these?” Cass asks as she and Alyson pick up our clothes.

Fear rushes through me like water through a swift river. “Can we have our clothes back please?” I ask her.

“Why don’t you beg for them?” Alyson smiles.

Casey and I exchange glances. Is that why they invited us to their party, to humiliate us? I knew it was too good to be true, that girls no matter how pretty would never be interested in guys like us.

I drop to my knees and fold my hands like I’m about to pray, Casey follows suit. “Please give us our clothes back. I’ll do anything, please give us our clothes back.”

“Hmm, since you begged nicely. We’ll give you your clothes back, but you have to open your mouth wide,” grins Cass.

We both do as she says. “Shinny brings us the beer bong.”

Two girls in blue school skirts rush a beer bong with two hoses. Alyson grabs the bong while Cass grabs the hoses. He puts his thumbs on the end as Alyson fills him with beer. Cass then shoves the hose into our mouths and a rush of beer rushes out. I try to swallow as much as possible but some of it drips down my mouth.

We finally finish the beer bong, I’m feeling pretty drunk by now. “One last thing before we can get your clothes back,” Cass says.

“What is this?” I’m asking.

“Just a few shots is all,” smiles Alyson. They take us to a bar on the back porch of the house, where there are a number of fires.

“If you two can get those shots down without throwing up, you can get your clothes back,” Cass says.

Casey and I exchange glances. There is simply no way. I already feel drunk and full from the beer I drank. We hesitantly take a shot. I nod to Casey and we take her down. As soon as the liquid hits my lips, it burns and I have this overwhelming urge to throw up, but I manage to hold it in. Casey has the same reaction as me.

Suddenly, the world starts spinning as I fall. It’s too much, I close my eyes…

Uhhhhhh. My head is pounding. My bottom hurts and feels like it’s stuffed. I open my eyes to find myself lying on what appears to be a fluffy pink dog bed in the corner of someone’s bedroom. “Where…” Ahhh, my throat hurts for some reason. I reach to the bottom and feel a small lock.

Then I notice I’m wearing a weird harness around my waist and something is stuck in my ass. It is held by a lock and a harness. What the hell? Worst of all, my penis is encased in some kind of shell and has a lock on it too. I have this dry sticky stuff all over my face. I’m trying to delete it.

I look around the bedroom and see that the floor is black hardwood. The wall behind me is salmon pink and the other walls are all white. There is a desk at the opposite end of the pink wall with a tablet on top. There is a closet next to it and a door that must lead out. There is a bed with a headboard up on the pink wall on the other side of the room. Next to the bed is a stand with a glass of water, two white pills, and a note. I take notes and read them.

Eat the pills and swallow the water to get rid of the hangover.

I take the pills and drain the water. Finally I see my clothes on top of the bed with a piece of paper on top.


Here are your clothes. I have the keys to the chastity locks. If you want to get out of them, come to these coordinates 34.452678, -119.676809 at 20:00 tonight.



P.S. Feel free to leave yourself out.

I put on my clothes and put the ticket in my pocket. I go out into the hall and start looking for Casey. There is a door next to the room I came out of and I open it to see Casey in the same situation. He’s lying on a dog bed with a harness around his slim, tanned waist.

His little penis is trapped in a casing. I can only assume his bottom is stuffed too. His slim body is completely naked otherwise. I can’t help but look over his body as I rush to him and wake him up. He is so handsome.

“Casey, wake up!” I shake him as his eyes begin to open. My neck still hurts.

“Uhhh…” he sighs as he opens his eyes. And he has some white paste stuff all over his face. “Head… Ohh… My neck hurts.”

“Casey, you need to get up. We have to get out of here, I say as I shake him.

Finally he stands up and his face is scrunched up in pain. “Ah, my ass!”

He starts to freak out once he notices the harness and the cage. “Hurry up and get your clothes on and let’s go.”

I lift him to his feet and help him get dressed. There are the same pills on the bedside table and I make him take them and drink water. As we quickly exit the house, several other boys who are kind of like us come out of other rooms with awkward and stunned expressions on their faces.

We return to our home in silence. Once we arrive, neither Logan nor Devin are there. “Should we talk about what happened last night?” I’m asking.

“We were tricked and humiliated… What to talk about?” he replies.

“Well, for starters, the cars they locked us in and of course the ticket they left us with. If we want these things, we have to go to this location at 8 p.m.,” I explain.

“It doesn’t look like we have a choice…” he grumbles.

“We could go to the school board,” I say.

“And endure immense humiliations? And what about revenge?” he asks.

“You’re right… I suppose it could get a lot worse…”

“Let’s face it… We’re crazy! We just have to do what they tell us to do for now,” Casey says as she begins to cry.

I pull him into a hug and his arms tighten around me. “I… I really wanted to think we liked each other… I wanted a girlfriend so badly!” he sighs.

“It’s okay Case, let’s go through tonight… Maybe it’ll all work out in the end, who knows….”

We spend the rest of the morning cleaning up and finally decide to take a long nap, but with things stuffed up our ass, it’s hard to sleep. We spend the rest of the day dreading what will happen tonight. I look up the location on google maps and it’s a park in the middle of the forest.

What could they want from us there? Casey and I have some pretty horrible ideas about the possibilities they have in store for us there.

He thinks they will leave us there naked. I hope that is not the case.

It’s getting close to 8pm, Casey and I decide we should finally go there. We get into his car and he drives us to the park, which is almost 30 minutes away.

We finally arrive and there are other guys waiting there. Also some girls. They all look as nervous as we do. We head towards the group. “Does anyone know why they made us come here?” I’m asking.

“Chase thinks they’re going to kill us and drink our blood!” one of the few girls says nervously. He has long brown hair and pale white skin. She is beautiful.

“Yeah, damn good. Obviously, this is part of the recruitment process to get into the sorority,” says a black haired boy. “They’re just trying to scare us.”

“Well… it’s 8 o’clock… Where am I?” another boy asks. The sun is now reaching the horizon and dusk is conquering the sky, giving it a crimson red hue.

Suddenly a hooded figure appears in the forest clearing. He has on a dark black cloak with a black mask. He signals us to follow. We all look at each other. The black haired boy boldly walked towards the figure. We all hesitantly followed him. We follow the robed figure deep into the woods as darkness rules the night. A shiver runs down my spine, I feel like we’re being followed.

I look back at Casey and he looks just as scared as I do. The figure stops in the middle of the path. He points out in the woods, we all try to see where he’s pointing. Suddenly, something appears behind me and pulls a cloth over my head… I can’t see! They grabbed me by the waist and slammed me to the ground and pinned my arms behind my back. I feel them binding my wrists. Now they wrap something tight around my neck.

I feel the fabric of my clothes being torn and the next thing I know I’m being pulled to my feet, completely naked, and being pulled by the thing tied around my neck. This cannot happen!

He must have walked miles before he forced me to my knees. I feel an intense heat on my skin. Finally, I rip the cloth off my head and a huge fire nearly blinds me. Before I could react, some kind of ring got stuck in my mouth, forcing it open. I feel them holding the straps behind my head.

I finally get a chance to look around and see everyone else tied up and naked. They also have a harness and a cage around the roosters. Girls have a different type of harness. The clothed figure steps out from behind me. “You are all here because you were chosen to have the chance to join Alpha Kappa Beta Sorority. Tonight is your initiation into becoming a pledge,” says the cloaked figure in a familiar female voice.

“Each pawn will have a master and must do whatever the master commands,” the robed figure continued. “There will be tasks that pledges must complete in order to complete the hiring process and become a member.”

“Pledges must wear a collar at all times along with clothing provided by their master.” Are they going to make us wear these collars all the time, even during class? “Failure to obey will result in punishment and, if necessary, removal from the pledge process, along with complete and utter humiliation. Make no mistake, if you make a move against the Sisterhood, we will ruin you.”

Each of the covered figures ends up in front of one of the pledges. The one who spoke walks towards me. “Pledges! Meet your new master…” she says as she removes her mask to reveal Cass’ handsome face. Then she lets the cloak fall off her bare body and reveals one of the biggest cocks I’ve ever seen. Easily 11 or 12 inches. Three times the size of mine.

She grabs a hand of my hair and slowly brings my face to that monster snake of hers. I can’t believe this is happening. The head of his cock slowly moves past the ring, holding my mouth open and sliding over my tongue. I can taste the musk, the saltiness of her cock as it drips over my tongue. This is not how I imagined my first plug would go. I didn’t think I’d be the one with the dick in my mouth.

I look up at her as she slowly slides more of her member into my mouth. She looked down into my eyes with a possessive expression of lust and desire. One hand grabs a hand in my hair and the other caresses my cheek gently as she slowly begins to roll her hips, bringing his cock in and out of her mouth. She rubbed it back and forth over my tongue. From time to time, she pushes the head of her cock against the entrance of my throat, making me gag. I look up at her and beg for mercy with my watery eyes.

For a second, I thought I saw a hint of red flash through her eyes, but before I could look any deeper, she slides her cock down my throat. I gasp and moan as my nose touches a small patch of neatly trimmed triangle hair just above her cock. Her balls hit my chin. I can not breathe! I am completely at her mercy. Finally, she pulls away from my throat, allowing me to get some air.

But not for long… She throws her cock back into my throat and this time starts pulling my face. Quick, long, hard strokes, slamming his cock in and out of my throat. I hear moans escape her lips as tears fall from my eyes. I can feel his cock getting stiff and suddenly it starts throbbing.

A burst of sperm shoots up my neck. She pulls the head of her cock into my mouth and erupts as more cum coats my tongue, instantly filling it to the brim. Some of her jizz spurts past the ring and dribbles onto my chin. Finally, she pulls out her cock and shoots one last load over my face, marking me as hers.

She leans down and kisses my forehead. “From now on you’re mine,” she whispers in my ear.

I look around to see that everyone else has the same fate. Casey still has Aly’s cock on her neck as she pinches his nose with a sadistic grin. Finally, I see his head tilt back and I can only assume he just shot a load down his throat. She takes off and paints his face with her white jiz.

Cass forces my head back towards her and I look into her eyes. “Will you be a good girl and do exactly as I say?” I quickly nod yes. “This is my face.”

Wait… Did he just refer to me as a girl? Before I can even think about it, she grabs the leash attached to my collar and pulls me to my feet. Then her hands move to the back of my head and she unties the gag, holding my mouth open. As soon as it’s out of my mouth, I try to adjust my jaw and numb the pain. She wipes the cum off my face with her fingers and shoves them into her mouth.

Without thinking, I licked them. With both of her hands holding my face, she then pulls me into a deep and passionate kiss. My heart flutters in my chest. I’ve never been kissed like this before and my knees grow weak because of it. Her thumbs softly stroke my cheeks as her tongue does indescribable things to the inside of my mouth.

She finally pulls back and looks into my eyes. “Don’t worry my pet, I’m going to take good care of you. Iți promit.” Her hand falls down to my ass and gives it a good squeeze, sending jolts of lightning through my core.

She then pulls me behind her as she leads me over to a bush. She has me wait there whiles she puts on her clothes.

“What about me?” I impulsively ask. “Can please have some clothes?”

She looks back at me with a devilish smile as she finishes putting on her clothes.

“Don’t worry, I have some clothes for you back at the parking lot,” she says as she grabs my leash and yanks me behind her. I notice some of the other members putting on their clothes and dragging the pledges, following us out. Alyson and Casey are right behind us.

We continue down the path until we reach the lot we arrived at. Now there are several large vans parked with other some other girls there. Cass walks up to one of them. “Make sure you all put out the fire and get the keys from the pledges. Clean up their rags as well. They might have some of their possessions in them. Then move their cars back to the house.”

“Yes, Mistress,” she says as the girls carry out her orders.

“And bring out the clothes for the pledges,” Cass orders.

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“Right away, Mistress.” The girl rushes over to the van and opens the side door. There are three boxes inside. Cass, unbinds my hands and walks over to the van and opens the boxes up, dragging me behind her. She then pulls out a red skirt, a button up blouse, a pair of white panties and a matching bra along with white stockings.

“Put these on,” she says as she hands them to me.

I look down at the girl’s clothing and then back up at her. “You want me to wear these?” I ask in shock.

“Isn’t that what I just said,” she says with annoyance. “For how cute you are, you sure aren’t the sharpest tool in the shed.”

“I can’t wear those, they’re for girls!” I say defiantly.

“And that’s what you are from now on, my little girly slut,” she says with a demonic smile. “Either wear these clothes or nothing at all, the choice is yours.”

I consider the options and decide I better do as she says. I hesitantly grab the clothes from her.

“What about the harness and the thing on my dick? You said if we came here you’ll take them off?” Întreb.

“Trust me, you’re going to want to keep the butt plug in that ass until we get back to the house, it’ll keep that ass stretched so it won’t hurt as bad when I stick my dick up it,” she smiles widely. Suddenly my knees grow weak at the thought of her shoving that massive dick up my ass. There’s no way it’ll fit. I can’t believe this is happening. “As far as the chastity cage around the pathetic thing you call a dick, I might take that off before I rail your ass if you’re a good girl. Now get those clothes on.”

I obey her and put on the bra. It fits tightly against my chest. I then try to put on the soft white panties. I almost fall over as the plug shifts when I lift my leg, but she grabs me just in time. “Huhhh, let me do this…” she sighs, grabbing the panties from me.

She then bends down and lifts my leg up. I grab her shoulder for support as she slips the panties on and lifts up my other leg to do the same. She pulls them up over my ass and they fit snuggly. She then lifts me up and sits me down on the van. She grabs my foot and grabs the stockings from.

She gets the foot all the way in one of the stockings and brings it up to my knee. Her fingers trace up my skin, sending shivers through me. She then does the same to the other leg. She pulls me out of the van and pulls the stockings halfway up my thighs. I look up into her eyes and for a split second, I see a hint of compassion as looks down at me.

She grabs the skirt from me and bends down. I lift my leg up as I grab her should once more and allow her to slip it on and I do the same for the for the other leg. She pulls it up to my waist and zips up the back. I’ve never felt so vulnerable. She grabs the blouse and I hold out my arm as she slips it on and then she slips it on the other arm.

She starts to button it up, only leaving a few at the top unbuttoned. Finally, she tucks the blouse into my skirt. I’ve never felt so intimate with someone as I did with Cass as she dressed me up.

“There, now don’t you look adorable,” she says as she looks over my body. It’s humiliating being dressed up as a girl. I also feel something else as Cass brushes her hand up against my cheek. She pulls me in for another kiss, slipping her tongue in between my lips. Finally, she breaks off. “Don’t think I’m going to dress you up every time.”

She breaks away and looks over at the group. “Let’s head back to the house, everyone pile into the vans,” she commands. She grabs my leash and pulls me behind her as she gets into the van. She takes a seat on against the window and pulls me into her lap. Her hand runs under my skirt and grabs my ass cheek.

Alyson sits down next to us and pulls Casey on her lap. Casey looks absolutely gorgeous dressed up in girls clothing. He literally looks like a natural girl with short blonde hair. Our eyes connect and I see the embarrassment in his expression. Cass continues to play with my ass. “That went better than I planned,” she says to Alyson.

“Yes! I couldn’t agree more!” Alyson says as her hands travel up Casey’s skirt. A girl gets in the driver’s seat of the van and starts it up. As soon as everyone is situated we take off. “I can’t wait to pop my little girl’s cherry tonight.”

Casey’s eyes go wide at the implication. “I know, Ashley’s ass was so tight, I could barely fit the butt plug inside of it,” Cass says as she gives my ass a good squeeze. “Hmmm, I just got an idea. It’s a long drive back, let’s make our pets make out with each other.”

“Oh, Dumnezeule! That’s a wonderful idea,” Alyson agrees.

Both Casey and I look at them and then at each other. “Come on, don’t be shy. Show your masters how much you want to please us,” Cass says.

I look at Casey as he meets my gaze. We’re both nervous as we lean towards each other. I close my eyes as our lips touch. His lips are so soft. I reach up and place my hand on the soft skin of his neck and he grabs my arm. Our tongues meet as our lips open up. I feel Cass’s dick twitch against my ass as Casey caresses my face. We continue to make out passionately for the next few minutes.

Before I know it, we’ve arrived back at the house. At this point, Casey and I are seriously getting into each other. Our tongues are intertwined in a dance as our hands explore each other’s body.

“Well, that was hot,” Cass says as we break apart from each other. Casey advert his eyes, as his cheeks turn a deep red. I do as well and I can feel an intense heat inside me. The door to the van slides open and we get out of the van.

Cass immediately pulls my leash, dragging me behind her as she beelines into the house and up the stairs. I can hardly keep up with her, but I have no choice as the leash tugs at my collar, lugging me behind her. As we enter her room, she forces me onto the bed.

She pulls out a set of keys from a draw in her desk. Figures… It was there all along. She then grabs my feet and pulls me to her and flips up my skirt as I lie there on my back. “Since you’ve been such a good girl and I want you to enjoy this just as much as I will, I’ll free your tiny little pecker and allow you to cum while I fuck your ass.”

“Thank you!” I almost shout.

She pulls down the panties enough to reveal my caged penis. She then unlocks the padlock to the cage and opens it up, freeing my little dick. She then pulls out the catheter which hurts like hell and elicits a scream of agony from my lips. Before I have a chance to breathe, she grabs me a flips me onto my stomach and pulls my legs off the bed, bending me over the edge. She yanks the underwear down to my knees.

I can feel her grasp the padlock and stick in the key to unlock it. She takes the harness off along with my panties. Finally, she pulls out the butt plug with a loud pop. I feel a void where the plug once was. “Oh my, your ass is still so tight,” she says giggling.

She gives my ass a soft spank and then grabs both buttcheeks with her hands and squeezes them. Then she spreads them apart and kneels down leaning in. I feel her tongue slide into my gaping asshole. Slowly she starts to lavish my rectum in spit.

Licking deep inside my butt. She gives my ass one more spank before getting back on her feet. I look back at her as she starts to take off her clothes, she has one of the best asses I’ve ever laid eyes on. Her breasts are nice and supple and once more she releases that monster of a cock. She spits on her hand and rubs it all over her shaft. Then she presses it against my sphincter. Even with having the buttplug in my ass all day, it’s still not stretched open wide enough to accommodate her python.

I grab hold of her sheets as I bite my lip. “It really hurts!” I cry out.

“Oh don’t worry babe, it’ll only hurt for just a little longer,” she says as she leans down, presses her breasts against my back and kisses my neck.

“Just relax and breathe,” she whispers in my ear. Finally, the head of her cock pops inside my asshole. She holds it there for a few minutes, allowing me to adjust. “There we go, now that I’m inside, it shouldn’t hurt as bad.”

She slowly starts to sink her cock inside of me, spreading my ass open far more than the butt plug ever did. I pant and groan, trying to breathe as her cock conquers my ass. “God you’re just so adorable, I can’t get enough of you,” she whispers and plants a kiss on my cheek.

I bit down on the sheets as her log reaches much deeper than the plug. “Just breathe, I promise it’ll feel much better.”

I took in a deep breath as she continued to sink her meat inside of me. “There, that a girl. I’m all the way inside. That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

I slowly let out the air inside my lungs as she fully held her dick balls deep inside my asshole. She ran her hand through my hair. She lightly kissed my neck as her other hand slide down my arm all the way to my hand, interlocking her fingers with mine. Slowly she started to pull her dick out a few inches and then gently pushes it back in as she continues to kiss me softly. “Don’t worry, babe, I’ll take it slow until it starts to feel good. Then I’ll fuck you like the slut you are.”

She gyrates her hips back and forth at a slow and steady pace. The pain slowly starts to subside. I can feel every inch of her cock inside me as she slides it in and out of my rear. Her dick keeps rubbing up against a really sensitive spot, sending ripples of pleasure up my spine. A moan escapes my lips and my knees started to buckle.

“Now you’re starting to like it, aren’t you Ashley?” She slowly pulls out her cock, leaving just the tip inside.

“Y… Yess… Oooooh…” She slams her cock all the way to the hilt inside me. Shockwaves of pleasure mixed with pain erupt inside of me.

“Do you want me to start fucking you like the dirty little whore you truly are?” She asks as she pulls back once more.

“Yyyesss! Fuck me!” She slaps my ass hard.

“Is that how you address your master?”

“I’mm Sooo SOrrry. Pleasssee Fuuck meee, Masterr!!!” Cass let nothing back and truly taught me the meaning of the word fuck. She began to slam her cock deep inside of me without any mercy or remorse.

“Take it my dirty little slut! You’re my bitch from now on! Got that?” Her cock continues to pummel my asshole. My little penis is painfully hard and I can feel I’m on the edge.

“Yes, Master! I’m your sluuuut! Fuuck mee! Pleeasse Fuuck meeee!” I scream as loud as I can as I reach my hand down to tug my tiny pecker.

“No, you don’t!” She yanks my hand away and pins both of my wrists above my head. “You can only cum from my dick inside your ass, you fucking whore!”

“Yeess Master! I’m sorrrry, sooo soorrry Maaster!” I moan as she pounds my boy cunt harder.

I can feel her cock get even harder as mine erupts, spurting up a lot of pent-up cum all over her sheets. My ass clenches down on her cock, sending her over the edge. “Fucking Aahhh Fuuuck! I’m going to drop a load deep inside your ass, you little cumdumpster.”

She slams her cock as deep as she can and explodes inside me. I can feel a hot liquid fill my bowels. She continues to spew her hot load, painting the inside of me with her sticky seed.

Finally, she collapses on top of me. “Holy fuck, that was one of the best fucks I’ve had in a long time. You really are a slut.” She gives my ass a good slap as she finally pulls out of me, leaving a sticky trail of cum rushing out of my ass. She pulls me down and rubs my face in my own cum. “Now clean up your mess, you dirty little slut.”

Without hesitation, I begin to lick the sticky, cum slick sheets. “Good girl.”

She takes off my shirt and mini-skirt. Then she pulls me up into her arms as she lays down on the bed. “Normally I’d make you sleep in your little dog bed over there in the corner, but tonight I’ll make an exception since I just took your virginity and you’ve been such a good girl,” she whispers in my ear as her hand comes up and caresses my cheek. She then pulls me in for an intimate kiss.

She breaks away and looks deep into my eyes. “Ash, I know this is a lot to handle, having your life flipped upside down, but I do really like you and I truly don’t want to hurt you. I’m sorry for all those humiliating things I forced you to do, but you have to understand… As queen of this sorority, I have to set the example for everyone else. If they see any weakness at all, then they won’t obey me.”

“Do you understand?” Her voice is so soft and soothing and the way she strokes my cheek puts me at ease.

“Yes Master,” I whisper. She gently plants a kiss on my forehead.

“When we’re alone like this, you don’t have to call me Master. But you better make sure to address me as such in public. Now get some rest.” Her hand holds my head close to her breast and I slip into her warm embrace as sleep overtakes me.

“Rrruuuhhhh,” I wake up to feeling a deep pressure in my ass. As if my butthole is being ripped open. I open my eyes to see the familiar room that belongs to Cass, my new master…

“Good morning my favorite little-redheaded buttslut,” Cass whispers in my ear. “Sorry for the lack of lube, I just couldn’t resist this perfect ass of yours… well, technically it belongs to me. You belong to me from now on.”

She kisses the nape of my neck as she wraps her arms around me. Her hands take a journey of discovery up and down my body as that battering ram she calls a cock tries to break into my back door. Tears begin to well up as the head of her cock pops in. “I promise, I’ll make it up to you later for the painal you’re going to endure this morning.”

She continues to press her cock deeper inside of me, reconquering my abused asshole. It hurts so bad. “Please Cass, can we please try some lube…” I squeal as her dick brutally reopens my little butthole up.

“Fine… It’s hard to say no to your cute little pleas.” She rips her dick out and I finally have some relief to my poor, throbbing asshole.

She leans over to her bedside table and opens the drawer pulling out a bottle of lube. I let out a gasp as a cold liquid seeps into my rear. She starts messaging my little starfish, eventually sticking her finger inside me. I hear another glob being squirted into her hand and I look back to watch her rub it on her dick as she sits there on the side of the bed. This woman has been my tormentor for over the last 24 hours and yet I feel something towards her I’ve never felt before.

She’s humiliated me, forced me to suck her giant cock, and stuffed that python up my ass and now she’s all I can think about. I have so many mixed feelings toward her. There’s no doubt she’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met, but possibly the cruelest as well. And yet I feel like, deep down, she truly cares.

I reach over and wrap my fingers around the base of her cock and she looks over at me with surprise. I bite my lip as I can feel myself blush. She stares deep into my eyes. She places her hand at the back of my head as I start to stroke her big meaty shaft. She pulls me in for an intimate kiss. Her tongue slips between my lips and she passionately discovers the inside of my mouth. She pulls me back by my hair. “I knew you were a slut.”

She pushes me back on my stomach and straddles my thighs. I can feel the head of her anaconda sink in between my plush ass cheeks. This time it pops right into my lubed up butthole. I still feel an immense amount of pressure, but it’s nowhere near as painful as before.

This time she doesn’t let me adjust. She sends her cock plummeting deep inside of me. I feel her balls slap against my own smaller set. Without a second hesitation, she starts to fuck me… Hard! “Oooooooohhh!” I cry out as she slams her dick in and out of me. Each thrust rubs up against that magical spot sending jolts of pleasure right through me. As she pulls out, my ass tries to suck it back in and she happily obliges by sinking it into the depths of me.

She grabs a handful of hair and pulls my head back as her other hand slides underneath me and grabs my neck. “Ohh who do you belong to?” she moans into my ear.

My cock is already hard and ready to erupt at any moment. It’s so hard to resist the urge to touch it, but I don’t want to give her any reason to put that cage back on. “Youu! Maaster!” I groan out as her dick pummels into me.

“That’s right, you’re all mine,” she gasps. “Fuck, I’m going to cum.”

She bites down hard on my neck as she explodes into me causing me to spew onto the sheets. I scream out in both pain and pleasure as blood starts to trickle down from her bite. My mind blows into a flash of memories as she unloads what feels like a gallon of cum inside of me.

Immediately she pulls out and releases my neck from her teeth. “You need to get out!”

“What?!” I ask as I look back at her in complete shock. She won’t even look at me.

“Get the fuck out, NOW!” she yells as she wipes up the blood from her mouth with her finger and examines it. “Get your clothes and leave, I’ll find you later.”

I hurry up and grab the girlish clothes she’s forced me to wear as I hold my neck to stop the bleeding. Cum drips from my asshole as I get up from her bed.

“I’m sorry Ash,” she says as I leave. I look back at her trying to figure out what I did wrong, but she still won’t look at me. I’m so embarrassed and confused.

“Did I do something wrong?” Întreb.

“You need to leave the house immediately! NOW!” she screams at me. Without a second hesitation, I walk out of her room as tears start to well up in my eyes. I barely manage to get my clothes on as blood stains my white shirt and cum still falls out of my ass, soaking up my panties. I can’t help but cry as I leave the house and make my way back to the dorm.

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